RTE Correspondents

How often does Brian O Donovan shave his head I wonder?

Glad to see he was restored to more natural surroundings this evening

He’s gotten a great tan lately. He came on last night and my housemate shouts out “Dio mio, he’s a black man!”

She sounds colour blind (& racist)

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Who’s the Léitheóir of the Nuacht on RTE 1 at the moment :heart_eyes:

Ah jesus

I’m not into the deaf ones mate.

Okay. This Micheál Lehane chap is winding me up something terrible these days. It might be the lockdown, but I can’t abide the cunt.


He’s insufferable. If you were doing a satire show to take the piss out of a news reporter. He would be exactly the type of character you’d create to lampoon them. And as far as I can tell, he’s serious.

The kind of chap who will be on your screen for the next 30 years who RTE will then try and laud as some sort of journalistic/broadcasting legend when he steps away upon reaching pension age.

Not to mention that ridiculous accent he has. I take it he’s from Munster.


Don’t find him too bad, to be honest.

That Gavan Reilly chap is really getting on my tits, though. Can’t turn on a tv, radio or twitter during this lockdown without encountering him.

The famous words of Jaap Stam, in describing Gary Neville, apply to “Gav” also - a busy little cunt.


He’s trying to portray some swagger lately, and he just looks ridiculous attempting to pull it off because he’s a nerd. His resting smirk face and these manic hand movements are also very irksome, especially when he’s talking about some banal interaction between FFG negotiating teams.


I concur with you, terribly annoying. Accentuated when carried out by what you’d suspect is an un-funny fucker. Hard to envisage a couple of hours pinting with Micheál.
The practice is gathering traction though, they’re all at it.

Not sure if it belongs in the Frehill thread but did anyone hear Kieran Mullooly on six one earlier?

He was reporting on those homeless drugs death in Tullamore and outside the hotel he opens by saying here in Athlone there was tragedy in the hotel behind me or something like that. . He corrected himself in the next sentence shoehorning the fact this happened in Tullamore, but ffs they can’t even do the basics.

The cunt never leaves Athlone I’d say

They should just call Mullooley the Flood and Bog Correspondent as the only interesting news that comes from the Midlands usually relates to these two topics.


That and reports on Traveller feuds. There’s a fair few of these in the midland counties like Longford, Westmeath, Offaly and Laois

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RTE don’t like to paint travellers in a negative light


Sharon looking very well tonight

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She picked up a bit in the last week or so. Not wearing the clown costume.

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Upped her game right enough .