RTE Correspondents

Myself and mrs J usually have a good laugh waiting for his sign offs. His trademark over-emphasis on the last word followed by lurching his neck towards the camera like a turtle who’s just had a solpadeine pushed up his hole. Good luck Brian. A good sort.


That terribly unfunny Cark left wing comedian Tadhg Hickey now mimics Brian O’Donovan regularly. O’Donovan is a gurning, stooping weirdo but seems like a harmless sort.

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I saw Brian O’Donovan with his kids and other folk in Base out in Celbridge before. Seemed like a grand sort.

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The IDA used to pay a very generous housing allowance to their overseas people. Maybe they still do.

A girl I know was with IDA in Chicago. She was telling me about her new Neighbour moving in and she had left him a moving in present. Said the boyfriend had to tell her he played for the Chicago Bulls.

One of the other people in the group advised it was probably wiser not to tell a story in company where you reveal your housing allowance affords you a Bulls player as a Neighbour.

Who’s next up for this gig, George Lee?

Track housing they call it over there

They did up to recently anyway. I have an acquaintance in the IDA who is living it up in a fairly swanky river front two story apartment down by the Williamsburg bridge.

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It’s an odd scenario where the rent can be more than their actual wage …

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It causes them their own issues more so if they have kids because they are in school with (due to location based public schools) and live beside very wealthy people whose lifestyles are way beyond them.

If she’s from Cork then that’s my sister, remarkably similar situation anyway,
They do important work over there

Married to a Limerick city man?

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Does she have a snaggle tooth?

Don’t tell her any more about TFK

The last time somebody told her about it he made it sound very weird :grinning:

Is it my bro in law you know?

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Isn’t there or wasn’t there issues with spouses being able to get visa to work there too?

I’m not sure of that

Defo was problem in US at one time but my be sorted now

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No, she is good friends with my significant other. She would have been at the wedding out foreign back in the day before she met me and I have met your sister on multiple occasions in Milltown and NYC.

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You know that another poster on TFK is in a similar situation, I presume you and he are also acquaintances?

This guy gets it

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What’s he getting at here bro, did nato donate the dough?