RTE Correspondents

Jesus. Lads wanking over news presenters…

Farewell Ingrid Miley. Her last day today.

Industrial disputes will never be the same again.


RTE will probably commission a 1 hour documentary on her career in a few months.


Expect to see her on the Late Late next season peddling a book.

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She was a good reporter

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Michael O’Leary hated her so she’s ok with me.


The day Sharon goes is the day I give up on life

The Bear Gryliss of the Industrial relations world I heard her described as today- whatever the fcuk that means !


Ingrid was alright by me

The rte hair department are doing their very best with Peter Collins’s comb over.

Haven’t seen one like that in while

He has to go. Nawful dark joke

Ciaran Mulloooooooly retiring on Sunday.

Reports from pig farms or grey, drab towns in the Midlands won’t ever be the same again.

He always came across as an eminently decent chap.


He’s getting out early. I’d be surprised if he’s 60

George Hamilton said “after the heartache of last week” in his report on the Denmark game the other morning on the radio.

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Denmark football: heartstopping excitement

A thoroughly alright sort.

When I was in college in the early 90s he arrived on with a cameraman to interview a few of us about grants. When finished, he graciously accepted a jocular invitation to the Union bar and sank pints to bate the band.


I was one of about ten people to be picked in national school to appear on his Shannonside radio show. They came to the school and asked a few questions about St Patrick, recorded it and played it on the show the following day.

Anyway, the mother was recording it at home and just before I was due on, they broke for the news and when they came back the tape had been forwarded a bit and my bit never appeared.

I was gutted.


Ciaran is a lovely sort. He’ll be missed.

We need Rachel Lally to step up.

Is he of that age? Thought he was younger to be honest.

Well thanks to @Rocko and all the sound people at Shannonside FM we have now got recordings of that clip…