Rugby Players Rape Trial

Why can’t you answer the question?

anti protestant?

you are twisted

An eye witness walked in the room and saw her doing her best Sasha grey impersonation you stupid cunt. And was in the room close to a minute. Slam dunk you cunt. Slam Fucking dunk.


Can you answer the question, mate?

It’s a very simple one.

Your silence is speaking volumes here.

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You are a beaten docket.

That post by myself was on the money.

Mr. Kelly did show a fundamental misunderstanding of what rape was in the piece of his closing statement I referenced.

Most likely deliberately.

Just as you did.

Why are you so unable to defend yourself here?

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Why did you so strongly imply that if a rape victim doesn’t scream or behave in a manner that you personally expect a rape victim to behave in, it can’t be rape?

This is a very simple question.

Can you answer it?

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Apparently I’m a ‘castle catholic’

The first rape trial thread was the only TFK thread I’ve commented on for over a year. I thought they were guilty but that they’d get off. I enjoyed the bitterness of that thread for a while before I lost all interest. I think @Rocko did a fine job letting all that acid flow freely. But I’ve a question, please try to answer without getting us all sued:-

Question is, I’ve been hearing a lot anecdotally in the past few days about the accuser having “previous” and having made rape accusations before. One of these people claimed to have a fairly well positioned source in Belfast. Has anyone else heard about this, or have anything they can say? Is this just bullshit?

I’ve another question, which is what’s going on with @ChocolateMice? He was a great poster. I hope he didn’t take TFK too much to heart.

Mousey became obsessive about @Horsebox I’m afraid , turned up at his work one day


there’s lads actually crying with anger at their keyboards here :joy:

I heard that as well but then again I also heard from ‘well positioned sources’ that Lee Keegan has MS.


Cat got your tongue, @TheUlteriorMotive?


Limerick. Asap.

is it going to be candlelit?

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the whole case has been a fucking disaster in all regards. there is nothing positive to come out of it. And the reactions of people on various social media in the aftermath is just fucking woeful. The ones organising protest marches. Fuck sake. And then the others saying she is a lying bitch and they are innocent, oblivious to the difference between not guilty and innocent.

Defendants in cases like this should never be publicly named during the trial. They are ruined now as a result and despite being pricks, they still dont deserve to have their lives ruined.

Olding was the only one in my view to have any credit coming out of the trial, he seems to have been the only one who spoke honestly and subsequently apologised for his behaviour that night. Takes balls to be found not guilty and then come out and apologise.

And regardless of if they were found guilty or not, the treatment of “alleged” rape victims in trials is awful. Their whole life being interrogated and every last detail of their history ripped apart. Its more that they are on trial than the accused. It absolutely wouldnt encourage any victim to come forward, regardless of the outcome of this case.

I’m not at all surprised by the verdict here, I thought it was that way after her own testimony. The witness statement probably being one major doubt, but for me it was the timeline. She seemed to have been in the room an awfully long time after Olding left and no reporting from the trial seems to have explained any reason why there was nearly 40 minutes between Olding leaving the room and Mcillroy walking in. It didnt make sense.


He has no backbone.

I was guilty with regard to this earlier. Or should that be not innocent?

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