Toby going for the jugular here.
I knew it was a circus but no one told me there was a jugular
It’s also in tents…
Oh dear
Frank Greaney
Jurors are now taking a short break. Mr. Hedworth QC will resume his final address to them when they return.
Does he not get another go, after the lads QCs?
He has the option to have a concluding statement after the four defendants have their closing speech - he may/may not use it.
Mr. Hedworth QC tells jurors the woman doesn’t pretend to remember every detail and in exactly what order it happened.
Someone should call a taxi for more hedworth, Rory could carry his briefcase and tell him to keep his chin up. This sounds weak
Frank Greaney
Mr. Hedworth QC says the only problem with their versions of events is Blane McIlroy gives himself the same version Stuart Olding has been given.
When are we likely to get a verdict. Presumably it will be next week?
I think one under-reported background detail is that at the time of the alleged attack the boy McIlroy was a student at Life University.
This is to her eternal credit and adds to her credibility. An astute tactic by Toby also to preemptively mention this, and it’s one I always used to good effect when writing loan origination proposals back in the day.
“While X and Y may be viewed as risks, we derive significant comfort from A, B, C, D, E, F and G and conclude that these positive factors considerably outweigh the perceived weaknesses in the proposal. Starting with A…”
Acknowledge everything isn’t straightforward, as it will be brought up later on, but focus on all the substantial elements that will make listeners/readers prefer your case.
I really think Toby has done an excellent job so far.
They have to be done by the 23rd - the jury are due to begin deliberating next week.
I thought he was trying to send the defence to sleep. He said rape is wrong, machoism is wrong, the taxi driver guessed correctly and excuse her for being confused- but at least she got the pill- just in case.
I assume he has saved his best and most emotive points to the end.
After listening to Mr Hedworth I think the lads are guilty.
that’s enough for me. Lock em up.
Now there’s a man with a turn of phrase
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