Rugby World Cup 2015

He blames Enda Kenny for not being able to afford a house, I imagine this is somewhat related? I honestly don’t know though.

Matty Williams is a top top bloke


A prize gent. Black guarded by the cunting scots so he was.

We had offer accepted yesterday pal, thanks for asking. :clap:

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Delighted to hear it pal. May you have many years of happiness and children in your new home. Delighted for you both.

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Already have two so maybe one more max :grinning:

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Ah you’re only getting started, shur look at Rint and see how easy it is.

Could have 5 bedrooms if we convert the attic so the pressure could be on :smile: , ah we’re delighted though.


The Cabbage Patch looking great

Kick it Ellis, kick it!!!

Great cameo by Prince Harry

What a spectacle, the World in Union

A union holds it’s breath :open_mouth:

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A boy the bull Hayes :clap:

Who is this absolute muppet commentating on TV3? Their main commentator?

Liam Toland is seriously annoying. Quite apart from that he has no gravitas not having been capped at international level.

Sounds like a soup taker. I had to turn it off. As an aside are any of the Brit channels showing this??

Watching Ipswich match instead.

Its on ITV mate. It shit though.

Conor McNamara, a Limerick chap.

He may or may not be part of the liberty’s clique

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He’s definitely a soup taker though.

That cunt would take any soup going the fucker changed his accent when he got the MOTD gig.

No relation to any clique regarding the GAA, I can confirm that.