Rugby World Cup 2015

Anybody who draws sweeping conclusions about a person’s character based on a post-match interview is an idiot.

End of*.

*Added self-consciously for effect.

Mike Browne, not a sore loser, this was his post match after the last round of this years 6 Nations

Massive credit to the French for the way they fronted up for this game and for the way they played, compared to a few other countries.
Fair play to France, they played a game. I don’t need to saying anything else. Everyone knows it.
It was fast paced, end to end. We played good rugby, they played good rugby. France turned up and made a game of it. They could have easily folded, so it was great to see that from them, from a spectator point of view.

I’m sorry, so your response is semantics. Taking the word “law” literally in a sporting context. Brilliant.

They completely died, blatantly, really,” said Magic vice president Pat Williams, who was general manager of the Sixers at the time. “Tanking is not new. That was the ultimate case.”

Williams points out that it was the behavior of the Rockets in the final 20 games that season that inspired the league, under the leadership of new commissioner David Stern, to put in a draft lottery and prevent teams from tanking down the stretch.

The draft is over, and the owners meeting is in June of 1984 and they are not happy,” Williams said. “The talk of the meeting is this Houston nosedive, and even though the coverage then is far from what it is today, what Houston did was enough of an eyesore for the NBA that they jumped to action — they did not put together a task force, they did not have a long, drawn-out period of careful consideration.

The FACT is it was introduced to stop tanking. You going on about its effectiveness is like you going on about its effectiveness in the RWC. Irrelevant. The intention is the point. You dancing around to justify your hatred of rugby football doesn’t change that fact.

It’s not semantics. Even if you had said rule you’d still be wrong. The lottery was introduced as a disincentive to tanking, statistically mitigating the #1 pick. Intention is grand, but its ineffective at the #1 end to the point that it might as well exist, and encourages lower-mid tier tanking to a greater extent than existed before. I didn’t enter the fray to talk shit about rugby, just to call you up on your spoofing. You’ve backtracked from definitively and sweepingly stating that American sports have anti tanking regulations/rules/laws/whatever to arguing the intention of an ineffective attempt to curb the concept in a single code.

Did you miss the bit where I said the NBA could do more?

The fact is that is anti tanking regulations/rules/regulations.

You entered the fray to talk about a NFL XV playing rugby.

And some more from US Sports trying to tackle teams giving up games.

You’re badly rattled and you’ve deviated significantly from your initial claim. Doing more or the perceived duty to do such has nothing to do with it. We’re talking about the (non)existance of anti-tanking rules, which you’ve shown to have been talking shite about. You’re clinging to the argument that the draft lottery is a rule/regulation. It isn’t. It’s the way the draft is set up (ostensibly to deter tanking, but not in reality). You can’t be in violation of the draft lottery. You can’t be punished for not following it, because compliance is mandatory.

Maybe a soothing perusal of the “quality bants” on will calm your troubled soul.

American sports have anti tanking laws

Apart from getting hung up on the word laws, how have I deviated.

The Draft Lottery was set up as an anti tanking measure. That is a fact.

Once again

It is all there, an anti tanking measure.

You can’t be in violation of the losing bonus point either. It’s aimed at encouraging teams to play to the end keeping as many games competitive. The draft lottery was set up to try and stop teams tanking to get the top pick in the draft, to try and keep as many games in a year as competitive as possible. The NFL and others have salary floors and enforced eating of bad contracts for many reasons, one being competitiveness Attempting to stop teams from taking the riches of a professional league whilst not putting out a competitive product. The NBA have fined teams for giving up on games. As I said, certainly more could be done, but there are measures there.

What does have to do with what I have been posting? I have always called and the people that read it, morons of the highest order. Good to see you’re resorting to reverting to discrediting tactics because you have nothing to come back with.

Is there a rugby match on today?

Fiji in running. 6/1. Get on.

Fiji trying to turn this into a 7s game, open loose football. Wales are out on their feet.

They are playing rugby not football.

Checkmate. A team can qualify even if they lose all their matches.

Tie-breaking criteria
If two or more teams were tied on match points, the following tiebreakers will apply:[34]
The winner of the match between the two teams (would not apply if more than two teams were tied);
Difference between points scored for and points scored against in all pool matches;
Difference between tries scored for and tries scored against in all pool matches;
Points scored in all pool matches;
Most tries scored in all pool matches;
Official World Rugby Rankings as of 12 October 2015.

who the fuck is Murray Kinsella?

This interview between Mattie and Strings is comic gold

100% prop.

Head boy in sixth year in PBC, I think.

Wales did well tonight considering. Depending on results and bonus points etc even if England beat Australia, a draw between Wales and Australia might be enough to keep the Tommys out

Rugby football. The clue is in the name mate.

Turkey shoot about to happen in Cardiff