Rugby World Cup 2015

Georgia gave a pretty decent account of themselves. New Zealand not at full tilt but get a sense they’re possibly a bit past it. Shades of 1991 again possibly.

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They did. Cant see New Zealand being that bad again though

The TV3 commentary teams are far too technical.

Also, seem to be doing the commentary from Ballymount. It’s like there’s disconnect between them and the stadium.

One of the commentators last night said he was over in London on Sunday (or was it Saturday) for the Wales England game. LOL. Quickly corrected himself. LOL indeed.

Ireland team to face Italy has been picked:

S Zebo; T Bowe, K Earls, R Henshaw, D Kearney; J Sexton, C Murray; J McGrath, R Best, M Ross; I Henderson, P O’Connell (capt); P O’Mahony, S O’Brien, J Heaslip.

Replacements: S Cronin, C Healy, N White, D Toner, C Henry, E Reddan, I Madigan, L Fitzgerald

Ireland aren’t as horrifically bad to watch with Zebo and Earls in the backs as they usually are

I’m revising my assessment of Scotland’s chances of beating South Africa. I see they’ve gone and selected a largely second string team.

Pity cos a bonus point win for Japan today puts them right back in it. Scots taking a chance on Wales winning their group? Big gamble

Agreed. Mind you looking at Samoa’s performance here so far today, can only imagine what their motivation levels will be like when they face Scotland next week already eliminated from the tournament.

It’ll be a crying shame if Japan miss out on a quarter final spot winning 3 of their 4 games. Scotland would have had every chance of beating South Africa today with a full strength side.

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Scotland putting out a reserve team against South Africa. :laughing:

Do the Samoan island lads know the rules at all? Or is the ref riding them raw?


Fucking gutless No-voting bastards.

they are “saving” their players for the “must win” game against Samoa.

Because there’s two or three minnow teams in every group and they can qualify in a straightforward manner even if they ship a beating today. They’re playing for 3 or 4 weeks to eliminate all these sides.

Who are they matched up with, the Ozzie group?


Must be, because the Oirish are matched up with the Kiwi/argie group.

Gutless surrender monkies…probably hoping to lay down for England in the next round.

I imagine that would be their dream match up… grabbing their ankles for their Saxon overlords.

Even if the Tommys win, I think they need a favour from Wales next weekend?