Rugby World Cup 2015

FFS. Italy are comfortably a top 15 rugby side.


Fucking Zebo threw the ball about 5 yards forward… FFS sakes

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Yes, just like Carlow are a top 15 hurling side.

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Sexton = Bottler

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Ireland running scared there

Great achievement for Ireland to qualify for the quarter finals with a game left considering the host nation and some peoples favourites have already been eliminated


Finishing ahead of Canada, Romania, and Italy, massive achievement

You can only beat what’s put in front of you

:clap: :clap: :clap:

The knives are coming out for Stuart Lancaster and Andy Farrell. Great to hear Campo is still having a dig at the English, an all time Australian wind up merchant

From a friend before the game yesterday:
So, it turns out Kieran Bracken’s next-door neighbour is the senior partner at a City litigation law firm called Stewarts Law. Last night they held a RWC gathering which was hosted by Bracken. As part of the proceedings—after David “rent-a-gob” Campese had spent 15 minutes railing against everything in modern rugby—Bracken got hold of the mic and did a Q&A with injured England no. 8 Billy Vunipola! who had a beer in his hand and appeared to have a couple more inside him…

Bracken: when you were interviewed after the game against Fiji you said you didn’t know you’d scored the bonus-point try—that was a strange thing to say…
Billy: not at all. None of us knew bonus points were part of this world cup. No one had told us.


Bracken: what’s Stuart Lancaster like to work with as a coach?
BillyV: I don’t know.
Bracken: what do you mean?
BillyV: Stuart doesn’t coach the team, Andy Farrell does. I’ve never been coached by Stuart.
Campo, butting in: what effect has that had on the way the team plays?
Billy: he makes us play like a rugby league team.

(Campo then goes off on one about England’s terrible style of play is and how the RFU should just bite the bullet and hire an experienced international coach. To be fair, he’s absolutely spot on with that).


Campo: so what do you think about England picking Sam Burgess?
BillyV: it’s been disruptive. The whole squad is unhappy about it.
Bracken: WHAT? Why?
BillyV: Luther Burrell earned his place in the RWC squad and Sam didn’t. Luther should have been picked, not Sam.


Bracken: and how are you enjoying playing under Chris Robshaw?
BillyV: shrugs shoulders, sips beer, says nothing


Good result today. Makes sure we wont be too dissapointed when the frogs and the kiwis tear us two new arseholes

Hopefully the French will widen it a little before the Kiwis go in.

POTY!! :clap::clap::clap::clap:

God Bless Diego, a beautiful beautiful man

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Some chap called Ruaidhrí O’Connor is seething with the Oirish fans in today’s Indo for doing the Mexican wave when it was only a “one score game”. He likens their behaviour to a darts crowd and said they should have been helping the team through a testing time rather than clowning around. :laughing:


He was seething on twitter yesterday, seething.

Poor chap oblivious to rugby football not being a sport and demanding those catching up at this social event to get truly invested in the on-pitch fare.

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Here lay off, had paid good money to ensure one would happen during the second half

Ah fuck, I’m almost afraid to ask…

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