Rugby World Cup 2015

He’s a God

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Oh that is fucking excellent. There is no level upon which that is not simply, excellent!

Diego is life :clap:

“It is not easy to get a handle on from the cheap seats in the press box – especially when it’s surrounded by corporate seats packed full of neutrals discussing the fortunes of West Ham United.”

Come again Ruaidhri pal?

How many more mentions of Ruaidhri do we have to have on her before he becomes someone we can’t mention?


Interesting to compare viewing figures for yesterdays Ireland v Italy game to the Dublin v Kerry All Ireland Final.

Depends on how you define the word Interesting


I demand a recount

The true national team of Ireland.

Or TV3 wanted a certain result

Audience numbers for Ireland Italy peaked at 1.6m so almost half the audience were horrified and turned it off.

Rugby does seem to attract a huge number of female viewers who don’t watch sport based on my completely unrepresentative anecdotal experience.

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Brett Gosper ‏@brettgosper 8h8 hours ago
25 million Japan TV viewers for Samoa v Japan. A world record for domestic rugby anywhere, smashing TF1 France record of 2007.#RWC2015

From ITV’s perspective, England going out is a disaster unless one of Ireland, Scotland or Wales can make the semis.

But World Rugby’s offices on Stephen’s Green will be absolutely delighted with the tournament. They’ve already bagged their tv rights and host fee. Japanese rugby has got a much needed shot in the arm ahead of 2019. From a competitive point of view, having a former champion and three time finalist in England knocked out adds so much to the tournament in the long run. Japan are 4th seeds in their group but have a great chance at being the 13th nation to make the quarter finals of the tournament. Baby steps for World Rugby but they are going in the right direction. They will be a bit disappointed though that Italy have yet to make the step up. The US national team continue to disappoint but tbf they had an awful group. The signs at underage and interest at the top commercial tier are great for them there.

The only people who might be a bit worried after this are the IRFU. I can’t see the tin pot GAA Provincial “International class” grounds being good enough for World Rugby after selling out and seeing such great atmospheres at proper quality soccer and rugby stadiums in England. SA are my bet for 2023 now. The right time zone and far superior stadiums.


The GAA and rugby actually engage with the female audience unlike soccer.

Bang on the money there. Whatever chance they had went out the door once they best South Africa. If results go their way and they make the last 8 they can really kiss it goodbye

I’m backing the 'boks anyway. South Africa for 2023.


Fucking idiot

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In fairness rugby really does put bums on seats in this country.People are fascinated with the dynamics of the game.

A bit of revaluation over the last few days about Johnno and his contribution as England coach.

Yes, both are failures. I’m glad you fell in.

Lancaster delivered four Calcutta Cups, two Millennium Trophies, two Cook Cups, one Hillary Shield and one Investec Challenge Cup.

That’s an impressive haul of silverware by any standards.

Right, Lancaster was marginally the lesser failure

Lancaster turned around a mess and blooded a lot of youngsters. The next man to takeover will have a solid team to build on. England were never going to win this world cup.