Rugby World Cup 2015

Great game. The boks long World Cup history…of doping…stood to them as they squelched the tired Welsh.

its hard not to be a huge fan of the argies, limited resources but they still play expansive rugby, don’t cower behind ‘the system’

reasonable article here

[quote=“maroonandwhite, post:1226, topic:20980, full:true”]
Great game. The boks long World Cup history…of doping…stood to them as they squelched the tired Welsh.

its hard not to be a huge fan of the argies, limited resources but they still play expansive rugby, don’t cower behind ‘the system’

[reasonable article here][1] [/quote]

All Argentinian born players too. Only nation at the World Cup that has no foreign born mercenaries.


Will be cheering for my beloved Pumas tomorrow.
Vamos Albiceleste!


bobble head Kissane is very annoying

Haven’t read this thread in two weeks so not sure if it’s been mentioned but your man Matt Williams really knows his shit and is a breadth of fresh air with the knowledge he’s bringing to an “expert panelist” position. Really puts the likes of Liam Sheedy to shame for example for his efforts in bringing “expertise” to a GAA television broadcast.


Matt is fine, but that fecking australian accent, I cannot stand it, they all talk through their nose, and don’t go there with Michael Cheika, oh sweet jesus

He’s very impressive and seems like an alright sort too. At least he doesn’t talk out the side of his mouth like Sheedy.


This canadian studio analyst going through the kiwis team. 'in the back row, weve got retallick, the real engine room (says second row below their names) and what have we here behind the scrum, kieran read, mccaw. Now the outhalfs, carter, will he be able for, the, ah, pressure and am smith. Interesting centre partnership. (nonu and fucking smith!!!) his co commentator bint cant wait for the hawk-a


This fella Michalak won’t be up to it. He’s 33yrs old and didn’t have the bottle for the biggest stage when he was in his pomp 8-10yrs ago. A bad state of affairs when he is their best out half.

Can’t believe your man Basterud is dropped.


This will be good, will be no love lost between these.

Hon France. It’d be gas if they turned up and hammered these bastards.

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This fucking war dance nonsense


07, 99, the sinking of that greenpeace boat. The frogs have mugged them off spectacularly. Hardly today though. No pace.

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Really uninspiring shit these days with so many White players who haven’t a clue what the fuck they are doing.

Yes was just thinking that. What a pile of shite.

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Eh you saw the ones from the 70s right?

New Zealand will put 50 on France here.

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All wearing completely black boots as well :laughing:

Conor McNamara saying the big question is how the French faced up to it. He seemed to remember what they did in previous world cups. Bizarre

Can’t believe this is something the morkeshing goys didn’t come up with years ago.

Michalak putting a few monster hits in already.

Aye that’s what you’d want him doing. Wilkinson the boring bastard has destroyed him

I was being sarcastic he’s bounced harmlessly off a few attempts already. And now charged down.

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