Rugby World Cup 2015

Nah, it was on the epg. I’m watching the Jets at the Pats.

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Sure. Are the boys still going on about Cordero?

What a superstar.

Record ratings for our Commercial station throughout the tournament, I’m sure the public have stayed to watch the thrilling conclusion of this event

great win for us today although argentina are shit


I see the best rugby ref has been chosen to ref the final

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The last World Cup ref was a good one too eh?

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Is that a typo?

Looks like New Zealand have their man to referee it anyway. It was between Owens and Barnes and Barnes is very much persona non grata in New Zealand as he actually has the temerity to referee New Zealand.

And the ultimate attention seeker has actually released a fuckin statement! I await his needless dig at football during the game…knowing safely that it will go viral of course

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Barnes is an utter wanker.


Referee standing there looking at the cunt on the wrong side of the ruck. The shit McCaw gets away with is unrale.


Irelands injuries post this world cup are horrific, they’d really want to reconsidering their approach to this game. Anyone care to add to the list

Paul O Connell - RETIRED
Tommy O Donnell - Hip, new year at best
Tommy Bowe - Knee, 6 months
Jared Payne - Foot, no time frame or even operation yet
Iain Henderson - Hand, 2 months
Jonny Sexton - God knows

Who am I missing?

Joe Schidt- severely bruised ego

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Never heard of him, but he’ll go through the concussion procedures for that no doubt.

A nations hopes and dreams - Crushed

Whats the recuperation time for that?

Incidentally, Ewan, if you’re reading, this one is for you

Great post Juhy

Peter O Mahony knee ligament injury,

They need to change their way of playing rather this taking it into contact all the time. I heard something on the radio saying that the injuries sustained by the Southern hemisphere teams was nowhere near the amount sustained by the Northern hemisphere. They said this was because of the way the SH teams play the game were they try off load the ball rather than take it into contact.

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No way!

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