Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross versus Manuel from Fawlty Towers

That includes Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Jimmy Savile. The full horror of what they were was exposed only because of journalism. Weinstein was exposed by the New York Times. Epstein’s full horror was exposed by the Miami Herald. Savile’s crimes were exposed by ITV. The law was forced to move.

When you say “trial by media”, what you should be saying is “outstanding journalism”.

Brand and his ilk who are defending him deserve to be finished forever after this. They won’t be because they’ve constructed a fact free world of fantasy, a cult universe, into which a hell of a lot of people, yourself included, are willing to buy.

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I don’t subscribe to any cult mate. I do try to look at things from different perspectives though at times.

Are these celebrities or just random nobody awkward squad people whose tweets you’re sharing?

Keep in mind that the same people who are denoucing Brand and have decided he is guilty are the same people who defend Bill Clinton against rape allegations.

Let’s compare the two. Juanita Brodderick claimed that Bill Clinton raped her after luring her into a hotel room. Her account was backed up by a witness who saw her afterwards in the room, crying and with bruising on her face. It was also colloborated by three friends who she confided in at the time, not years later. She decided not to press charges because she was scared shitless of the Clintons, arguably for good reason. Both Bill and Hillary made a point of seeking her out and thanking her (for what?) on multiple occasions after the incident.

There is litggtle question Clinton would be convicted if that case were to go to trial today.

From my reading of the Times/Channel 4 story, there are 4 women who say they had consensual sexual relationships with Brand who are now claiming he also sexually assaulted/raped them. This is of course quite possible. If it is true they should be willing to make statements to the police and he should be charged, in particular in the environment of today where victim’s claims are taken more seriously.

It is odd that people who are quick to pronounce one individual as guilty who are accused by anonymous sources, also defend those who are accused of the same crime by someone willing to go public as Juanita Brodderick eventually did.

Almost as if they are biased.

Brand should be investigated and if there is enough evidence to charge him, then charge him.

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Look over there!


All of Brands cases should be investigated fully. If he is guilty. Throw the book at him. Lock him up etc.

If he’s not guilty though, its probably the worst thing that could be put against someone. No one here knows what happened realistically.

What do you think about free speech?

It should be protected. Why do you ask mate?

Are you trying to elaborately trip me up or something?

I think you’ve done that yourself already.

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Like all leftist loons he believes free speech means you can defame anyone that he dislikes, but if you even mildly criticize someone he likes then you should be convicted of hate speech and jailed.

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The tweets are a representative summary of the cult that is the far right.

Look at the people in the public eye who are supporting Brand.

Lozza Fox
Neil Oliver
Glenn Greenwald
Lara Logan
Kate Shemirani
George Galloway
Beverly Turner
Allison Pearson
Matt Le Tissier
Simon Goddek
Ivor Cummins
Elon Musk
Tucker Carlson
Jordan Peterson

Almost all are far right and all are firmly aboard the anti-vaccine, pro-Russia gravy train.

It’s a cult and normalisation of rape, sexual assault and child sex abuse is an integral part of it all because once they defend that there’s literally nothing that they cannot defend or normalise. The destruction the very concept of facts, truth and context is the goal - a parallel universe of total bullshit.

Yesterday you cited three women as having been raped by Clinton. Two of them never even made rape allegations against Clinton. The third testified under oath she was not raped.

Allegations deserve to be treated with the credibility they deserve.

Those, which do not stand up on any level, such as Tara Reade’s against Joe Biden, deserve to be dismissed as the bullshit they are.

Your form is clear. You have zero regard for truth. You’ve long since lost any right to be treated with any credibility.

There’s a reason why women are reluctant to go public and waive their anonymity with allegations against Russell Brand. It’s because Brand’s overwhelmingly male, far right conspiracy theorist following is hyper-angry and extremely dangerous in the real world and they fear for their safety and even their lives.

That’s where we are now, and the likes of you have actively cheerled that situation.

Russell Brand may be an absolute scumbag deviant but when did innocent until proven guilty stop being a real thing.

What if he is innocent of these allegations. No trial is done yet. Is that fair?

I don’t think it is.

“Every survivor of of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed and supported” Hillary Clinton, 2016.

Except for Bill’s victims, they’re all lying hoes.


Andrew Tate is supporting Russell Brand. Anyone see a pattern of who’s supporting him? :joy:

“Look over there!”

But you’re just reposting tweets from random nobodies, what’s the point of that?

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They’re a representative sample of the insane cult mentality that permeates the right wing conspiracy mindset. They also include tweets by Elon Musk and far right influencer Ian Miles Cheong.

Do you disagree with the assertion that they are representative of the far right conspiracy mindset?

I think reposting tweets from random nobodies onto another platform is stupid and pointless and annoying. I’ve made that point on here before.