Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross versus Manuel from Fawlty Towers

I think your posts here have been pointless.

Of course not. But that’s now the norm.

It doesn’t matter who is supporting him. Let him be fully subject to the full rigours of the law.

He is a right wing nutcase - are you the same?

You’d wonder if he was a hard left influencer would the same investigation be carried out?

Should be before the courts. End of.

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You’re embarrassing yourself.

Why are you blabbering on about Hilary Clinton in a thread about Russell Brand? Are you one of these dunces who says “but but but Iraq/Afghanistan” in threada about Ukraine?

You wouldn’t wonder that at all, unless you were a moron.

Let the courts deal with it mate. If he is guilty he deserves everything he gets.

What’s your opinion on 9/11 and the moon landings.

That’s your hero Jeremy Cornyn you’re thinking of.

Dumb response.

Twas the Mexican aliens.

The conversation was partly about thebmedia, double standards, bias etc. @Tierneevin1979 was simply illustrating some relevant examples of hypocrisy, double standards etc. Is that permitted?

One was very bad and the other was very good?

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It should not be legal for a 30 year old to be grooming a 16 year old

The stuff about the taxi and the mother was frightening

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Jesus wept