Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Is the interior decorator who killed 16 Czechoslovakians there?


He is in the airport

Time it was er, taken back from them

In fairness, Cork probably qualifies. They got funny t-shirts and hilarious maps printed.

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I can only speak for myself and 31 other counties but I for one welcome Cork independence. Best of luck with it lads

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Mate, you said there were self proclaimed republics, that was the reality you said. I disagreed. You said they’d been so since 2014, not true. You said Ukraine recognised them as such in the Minsk agreement, not true. You said they wanted to be part of Russia and referred to some bogus vote as evidence. You said that Russia recognised them and the west didn’t and this was the reason for the war, not true. The declarations happened after the invasion and the russia recognition followed, by the way.

These are all really simple and basic facts, and you have them all arseways.

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We haven’t seen the least of it.

There you have it, the 31 other counties have recognised it, because you have proclaimed it. This proclaiming business could go far.

I would like to help glas here. In his mind he has decided that no-one is allowed to use the term ‘self declared tepublics’ because these self declared republics are self declared, and not recognised internationally.
It would help glas out if lads could stop using the term 'self declared republics ’ and instead use the term ‘republics’. Then they would be wrong and he would be right…which is all hes asking for here. If his mummy was here I’m sure she would agree.


it really is bizarre.

Strange behaviour, but not unusual.

It’s great for Shaney that he’s finally found a playmate.

That’s tragic.

I see Mickey Martin giving an aul speech there amongst the UN. Looking for a promotion of course in a couple of years time maybe with the EU.

Does he not realise we are a neutral country?

Stalin wouldn’t have put up with that shenanigans

FFG are hell bent on signing us up to NATO. Whatever about our neutrality, i don’t know why we need to be a member of that murderous war mongering organisation.