Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Could you give us a clue then?

Ah yes I have you now. I’d say Russia has to be punished for both alright, somehow. You’re right that history teaches us to be careful here. I think it’s impossible at this stage to say what the outcome will be, whether any of the russian leadership will be personally brought to justice. At the least all the billions of assets already seized could be used for rebuilding Ukraine. Russia could also pay reparations at a level it can afford for a long time.

So keep fighting a war you can’t win and keep sustaining loss of life? The only idiot here is you but let it all out… After all, you and yours won’t be dying so what do you give a fuck?

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What makes you say they can’t win? Russia advanced as far as Kyiv and has been pushed all the way back to the east, last few months have been relatively even.

Big Ukrainian offensive expected when the ground hardens, and the Russians seem to be chewing through their conscripts and weapons at a rate of knots

Russia can and will go for years… They may not win but they have the ability to fight for decades if Putin wants. He is selling record oil levels to India and China and others to fund his war and has munition factories working around the clock…they won’t have the most up-to-date tech alright but he has more than enough to keep this going and turn large parts of Ukraine to rubble, which is clearly his plan now … he’s wiping out large areas and turning them to nothing and he can do it for years - effectively crippling sections of Ukraine and wiping them out for forever.

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Where are you getting this from? The uk, un and the us have all said the Ukrainians are using unsustainable amounts of artillery.
Do you even have the first clue of what the death toll is on either side?

You think it makes sense to appease him so?

If he plans on keeping this up for decades one of his own will get to him before any Ukrainian can

Fake news mate

I think that’s all highly questionable. Russia is already pulling mothballed tanks from the 60s out of warehouses, that doesn’t suggest they have capacity to sustain this for years, and certainly not to advance. China has held off on sending weapons to Russia so far and unless they do I don’t know where Russia gets the weaponry. Putin has indicated he can keep throwing bodies at it but they will be poorly trained, poorly motivated and poorly equipped soldiers, will they be enough? Meanwhile Ukraine has more and more western arms and western trained troops. If the west continues to stand by Ukraine and china doesn’t arm Russia then the outlook favours Ukraine I think.

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I’m just asking questions

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And how much more loss of life and destruction before then? I never said appease him. Just get to the table first and see what can be done

Going to the table now means the bully has won. That can’t and won’t be let happen no matter how many lives it saves. Poor Mrs M. D is still licking her wounds for suggesting it months ago.

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How do you negotiate with him? How could you trust he would keep his word? What do you think the Ukrainians should be willing to sacrifice to apease him? What will you ask the Moldovans to sacrifce then? Or Estonians, etc etc

Seems fairly clear, if he wants peace he could just retreat. Ukraine hasn’t set foot in Russia and wouldn’t.

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Nobody outside of Putin / NATO want this to continue.

But, he marched into Ukraine. The land grab has taken place so it’s extremely unfair to think Ukraine should accept succession of territory.

Let him have Donetsk, he’ll stop then


The “let’s negotiate with Hitler” lads are hard at it this morning.

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Tell me you are being ironic? That is a neo-con hawkish propaganda organisation working to promote war. It reads like a fairytale, apart from anything else

Oh I have no interest in getting into a debate with you mate. You can keep believing whatever you want

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