Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

They are getting routed on the Eastern front at the moment. The Russians have learned and adapted their methods meaning some of the foreign weaponry being used is now largely ineffective.

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If Ukraine surrender the yanks will probably just nuke them and blame the russians, then call it a day.


You canā€™t post facts like that in here. Itā€™s far right activity.

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The Yanks will fuck them and pull out like they did in Afghanistan

Maybe so, but theyā€™re spending a clane fortune at the dry cleaners

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@glenshane previously reported that zelensky sent his elite presidential guard unit to the front line, juat for his own safety, as you do. I fear he may have missed a few.

Not much coverage of the Georgian protests.

Potentially significant to Russia v Ukraine if it escalates

Hadnā€™t heard.

Whatā€™s the unbiased Rusky view on things before Glenshaney boy pipes up?

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Georgian government are under the tumb of Russia since they invaded the North of it.
They are introducing a bill against foreign agents, like charities, basically to stifle any dissent. Similar to what Hungary did a while back.

Protests are against this.

There are mass arrests of protestors.

The free thinkers have been told their opinion is that Georgia is being stirred up by the CIA

Wouldnā€™t it be more in the news so?

Georgia belongs to Russia. Nothing to see here but a few US paid shills stirring up trouble.

Marjorie Taylor Green would have both Georgias handed over to Putin tonight if she could anyway.


I believe they call them NGOs nowadays?


Only those who believe they arenā€™t Governmental organisations.

Shur where wpuld the cia be without charity?

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Try to be a little more respectful. 20,000,000 soviet men, women and children gave their lives for our freedom.

The CIA has a venture capital arm that invests in various relevant start ups. Itā€™s called InQTel. The Q is borrowed from the James Bond movies.

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