Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

There are many many Neo Nazi leaning nationalist groups operating all over Europe.
There is groups in Russia of all places.

Iā€™ve asked many times for you or others to outline a Neo Nazi problem in Ukraine before Russia tooled up Eastern Ukrainian minorities in 2012.

You canā€™t be bothered to furnish me with the info.

Blaming a minority Neo Nazi element for the Ukrainian invasion by Putin & Co is where you are at?

There are racist elements in many many countries but invasion isnā€™t the first port of call.

Glenshane and the other fella have long since given up any pretence that theyā€™re anything other than fanatical cheerleaders for imperialist Nazi oppression and genocide.

I point blank refute that allegation.

I condemn both Western and Russian forces as imperialists. This is what we have discussed and I have to repeatedly refute your misrepresentations and point to your fascist propaganda again and again.

On the other hand you point blank refuse to address Ukrainian neo-Nazism, itā€™s close links to Zelensky and his support for a Naziesque Zionist state.

Lies and false positioning are all you have and I will leave that for my last interaction here for the evening.

Youā€™re a racist, lying piece of white supremacist excrement and donā€™t you dare misrepresent my position here again. Mocking posters with rape jokes and severe illnesses of their loved ones is all youā€™re good for, probably because narcissists like yourself are incapable of doing any decency in your life.

Where did you get that idea? Iā€™ve answered your question patiently beforehand. If you want evidence Google stephan bandera, ask why he has a national holiday after him, then Google cia and Ukrainian nazisā€¦thereā€™s a history there that goes back to the 50s. Thereā€™s plenty more


I donā€™t see you going after Eoin Oā€™Duffy, Padraig Pearse, Dan Breen or Sean Russell. All were fanatical fascists.

Do you believe Russia should invade Ireland?

Why are you so high & mighty on the Ukrainian Neo Nazi / Far Right issue while it is clearly an issue in Russia, Poland, Italy & Baltic Nations as examples?

You are clearly trying to use a common issue across Europe to demean Ukraines fight against invasion.

The trolling put aside, itā€™s fairly obvious

I donā€™t think russia should invade anywhereā€¦but if you donā€™t have a problem with the US spending decades arming, funding, promoting and training self declared nazis then thatā€™s on you.

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How did their Political class fare in past elections?

Badly enough to make them take part in a coup

I think itā€™s very strange how completely not angry you are at the Nazi regime of Russia for invading the free democracy of Ukraine. Itā€™s almost like you support the Nazi invasions.

You know those who support Nazi invasions. They deflect, obfuscate, search for any oulā€™ bullshit in order to blame the victim.

I think itā€™s very strange how preoccupied with blaming the victim you are.

The US has a proud record of defending and supporting democracy and free societies in Europe. Thatā€™s real freedom fighting.

Russia has a long and shameful record of funding Nazism in Europe and a long and shameful record of putting the populations of other countries both in Europe and outside Europe under the authoritarian jackboot.

You choose to support Nazism and and the funding of Nazis internationally.

Iā€™ve asked you numerous times to highlight the issue pre 2012 where there was fighting in Eastern Ukraine.

Iā€™m not talking about the 50ā€™s, 60ā€™s or 70ā€™sā€¦.

There seems to be a legitimate line of reasoning that Neo Nazi factions grew in popularity once there was investment by Russia in Pro Russian leaning groups taking up arms in Ukrainian territory.

Iā€™m not condoning actions by either group but I donā€™t see the region as out of control in the lead up to 2012 and Putin losing his grip of control in Kyiv.

You are very much against the atrocities of Neo Nazi leaning groups in Eastern Ukraine but these incidents were incited by Russia.

Because Zelensky and his govt openly accepts them and platforms neo-Nazis regiments. What condemnations or actions has he taken on them?

If the President in question had followed through on Election promises that the majority wanted was that Coup happening?

Explain this one.

The gas thing about these simpletons who believe the fantasy, fascist narrative that there was a ā€œcoupā€ in Ukraine in 2014, is that itā€™s impossible to sincerely believe that without also sincerely believing that the fall of communism across central and eastern Europe in 1989, and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, was also the result of a US backed ā€œcoupā€.

Intstead of the reality that populations in central and eastern Europe had had enough of the Russian jackboot and finally found the courage to get rid of it.

The fascists like our two Ulster based buffoons here believe the people of small nations have zero agency. This is as racist a narrative as you can get.

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Once againā€¦.

Anything to say to this?

More lies and misrepresentations.

How about you deal with how the Ukrainian govt is in bed and aligned with neo-Nazi military regiments and an ally of a Nazi like, apartheid Zionist state.

Youā€™re the guy who is lionising Zelensky and ignoring away all the despicable and tyrannical regimes the West arm, aid and support. Itā€™s clear you are not here spouting your propaganda on any basis of decency and care you are doing it on your supremacist regime that the West have free reign to murder and meddle in foreign states all over the world.

You are the fascist and the levels of hate and delusion seem to confirm that. Myself and @glenshane grew up in a state where we were discriminated against and still are. The political parties loudly championing Zelensky in your state are the same ones who ignored an apartheid state up north. Your indignant is now sincere, itā€™s a means of dishonest propaganda for you.

Itā€™s the working class you despise, itā€™s those of brown skin you think need to be civilized. I think they are perfectly capable of that themselves without the white supremacists coming in and raping them of their resources.

Plain trolling now chief. Is that the best you can do?

Is this what you returned for?


You canā€™t answer a question. When you are asked about the topic, specifically Ukraines links with neo-Nazis, not only do you avoid it repeatedly, you ramble off into nonsensical rants about SF like the cowardly, uneducated right wing fool you are. Thatā€™s trolling, thatā€™s debasing this thread.

Now after running away from every pertinent issue here and debasing the thread with misinformation and misinformation, you are making veiled pleas with Rocko to ban me again.

Youā€™re pathetic, the forumā€™s crotch sniffer extraordinaire. If you want to make glib points about trolling you might address what it is you have contributed in this thread? Is how you are correctly being portrayed here that worries you?