Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

troll trolling GIF

AzovHarry and his insecure projections again.

We can conclude that you point blank refuse to condemn neo-Nazism if its Ukrainian…shows your cynical trolling for all it is. Your deep contradictions and insincerity are your undoing. You’re afraid to address questions as your position will be unravelled by those contradictions.

@Rocko can we have a 15 minute time out on this thread again please?

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…and dictatorships, theocracies, despots, moderate rebels (aka ISIS) etc etc

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Agustin Pinochet
Saddam Hussein
Bin Laden
The Saudis
Etc etc

The US are the most brutal right wing warlords the world over but western propaganda feasts on the fickle.

Millions dead in the name of prosperity, peace and democracy.

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And oil reserves and value of the dollar.

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:popcorn: …

You’ve given a glib response befitting of your long running fascist clownshoe act.

What exactly about the following statements are incorrect?

200 posts. I thought the Russians had dropped a nuke

Ulster Nazibots are exceedingly persistent.

Fellas flat out watching champions league finals AND debating a far off war. Where else would you get it?

Free state blueshirts are sticking to their origins.

You’re the person that refuses to call out fascism, be it in Ireland, Russia or anywhere else.

Because you’re a fascist who openly eulogises Mussolini and Putin and considers it an honour to be compared to Hitler.

Another misrepresentation. You can’t stop lying and framing arguments that are not there. I have consistently condemned Russia on the war.

On the other hand you ignore away fascism, imperialism, war crimes, tyrannical regimes, despot dictatorships all carried out by Western imperialism. It’s because you’re a fascist propagandist. You are blighted by hypocrisy which is why you ignore your double standards and misrepresent the positions of others.

I have no problems condemning Russia and Putin. You have serious issues condemning western imperialism and neo-Nazis Ukrainians. That says it all.

There’s none so blind as those who will not see.

The Elephant in the room that none of the fascists will dare address…

This is a huge issue for Ukraine but the West don’t min the far right taking power in Ukraine so long as they are amenable to western policies. They don’t care about racism, dictatorships, human rights abuses, genocide, apartheid states - if these despots play ball with Western geopolitical outlook then the US are happy to turn a blind eye.

They put guys like Noriega, Saddam, Pinochet etc in power in their respective countries and were happy to turn a blind eye to all sorts of vile murder, human rights abuses etc.

I’m a neutral on this. I can see that the invasion is wrong and Russia are the agressors. I have said it countless times and every time I have the forum’s Western imperialist far right crew try and label me as being a supporter of the invasion, I’ve spoken our against Russia and Putin since that point. Unlike them I’m not a hypocrite. I think it’s every bit as wrong as what the West openly back in Yemen and Palestine. They don’t however, they believe the white supremacistm stuff is their God right, brown people in the middle east should fall in line with Western imperialism. A shocking, regressive and inhumane outlook.

It’s also worth pointing out though Zelensky looks to be a bad actor and a nefarious character. A guy who lauds a Naziesque, Zionist state in Israel, has huge corruption skeletons in his closet and ties with neo-Nazis is not a good look.

I genuinely feel sorry for the Ukrainian people, displaced, terrorised and murdered due to a dick measuring contest between Russian and Western imperialism and jostling for influence across the globe. Eulogising a right wing kleptocract and Western puppet like Zelensky will look very bad for the West down the line but such is Wester propaganda it won’t be spoken about same as Saddam, Noriega, Pinochet etc.

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The West lock up Julian Assange but something something Russia.

We are flying lads.