Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back


Thanks for your lack of contribution AzovHarry.


Just stop replying to him ffs.

He nor you will address your alignment with neo-Nazi regiments. You want Ukraine under the control of far right neo-Nazi elements who are under the control of Americans.

On the other hand I’d rather Ukraine had their own atonomy and was not a puppet state for Western of Russian imperialism.

That’s where we differ, I actually believe in freedom and sovereignty whereas as you have a far right imperialist zealotry to you.


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Putin, the old dog…

Kadrovs right hand man dead or wounded depending on which side you listen to.

Some of Kadrovs crew accusing Wagner of leaking the details of their location to the Ukrainians.

A Russian civil war might do the job for the Ukrainians

Russian civil war?

Doubtful, Chechnya rounding on Putin possibly.

There’s a load of mini fiefdoms inside in the Russian offence between the Army Wagner Kadrov and others. I don’t think any would have the balls to make move on Putin himself.

But there’s been several fire fights between them already.

The head of Wagner is supposedly more or less on the run from Putin at the moment as he has been criticising him indirectly a lot

Top quality video.
Just goes to show what can be done. Nothing can be assumed real any more.

Would the Africans want to get their own shop in order first before they go traipsing around the world telling other countries what to do?

Just Africans?

Rogan is a neo fascist with an agenda but an MI5 affiliated propaganda outlet is a reliable source of news, opinion and ideology.
This is the level the cratur has sunk to. Is it any wonder he’s resorted to abuse, shrieking, lies and name calling.


Azov are actual neo Nazis but that doesn’t matter…

The contradictions of the Western imperialists shows them for the cynical grifters that they are. Going around moralising without a shred of sincerity behind their right wing nonsense.

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Rogan is a neo-fascist, as are you and the other wee six simpleton.

Bellingcat is an actual credible source, which is why you hate it.

Joe Rogan also coached people to drink donkey semen.

You come across as if you’re the sort of person who drinks it voluntarily. At least when you’re not defending wife beaters and vilifying their victims.

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What’s this guy’s agenda @carryharry ?