Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

He appears a right nasty cunt. Likes his social media likes/follows & clicks too.

As regards his part in the Ukraine - Russia war?
I’d imagine he carry’s as much stock in the show as me or you.

“ In reality, far right groups in Ukraine are a small minority “

Again I’d argue that Putin waltzing into Ukraine hasn’t really extinguished Far Right Neo Nazi loons. It has probably only cultivated fields for the fuckers to play in.

“ Mr. Kapustin, who in addition to speaking Russian speaks fluent English and German, told reporters he did not think being called “far right” was an “accusation.”

“We have never concealed our views,” he said. “We are a right, conservative, military, semipolitical organisation “

What way are you thinking?

Yeah, real trustworthy source there from you, as usual.

Until February 2023, Iversen was engaged by the media house The Hill as host of the popular radio program Rising . The reason for her dismissal was that journalist colleagues had reacted that she had presented misinformation and conspiracy theories about covid-19 vaccines . [1] [2] She was also banned from YouTube for the same reason. [3]

Kim Iversen, one of the hosts of The Hill’s popular web show ‘Rising,’ has sparked uproar among her colleagues over her fringe views and misinformation.

Iversen—who has also sparked uproar among her The Hill colleagues for allegedly parroting Kremlin talking points about Ukrainian neo-Nazis—has been described by sources as “toxic” and “dangerous.”

“Kim is a conspiracy theorist,” said one staffer. “I think she’s really bad news”

Sorry for the sloppy post harold. I meant jacques baud, the lad in the video. Iverson is incidental, as our pet cratur is well aware. Besides anyone accused of covid misinformation is probably guilty of telling the truth…most people have realised this by now

This seems a well researched article from 2014 and arguably stacks up to the presumptions made.


This line stands out too and seems to be proven correct tbf.

“ Russian journalist Yulia Latynina views Putin’s tactics in Crimea and eastern Ukraine as a new military strategy, in which the government controls and distorts information to cast Russia and the pro-Russian separatists as the victims. She argues that this “is far more important than achieving a military victory. To come out the winner in this scenario, you don’t have to shoot your enemy. All you have to do is either kill your own men — or provoke others into killing them — and then portray it as an act of aggression by the enemy with all of the attendant media spin.”[8] Due to this media spin, all of the Ukrainian government’s attempts at diffusing the situation in the eastern provinces have horribly backfired. “

You didn’t answer my question

Says the conspiracy theorist cretin who has never answered a question in their life.

If Carlsberg did irony…

They can never explain their double standards. Instead they always respond with questions and misrepresentations, no courtesy or decency but what else would you expect from white supremacists.

He makes valid points about the Ukrainian response to separatists and the involvement of Neo Nazi groups.
I don’t think anyone including myself has questioned or denied these allegations.

Again, I made a response outlining why that response happened.
How Putin was very much playing the cards to suit his endgame of retaking Soviet/Russian territory.

You continually call out atrocities by Ukrainians against Ethnic Russians whilst ignoring the fact that before Putin stoked up tensions these people lived peacefully under the Ukraine flag.

You claim Western interference as the root cause whilst ignoring evidence that Putin was more than happy to lay the groundwork for a Western & Ukrainian nationalist response.

What atrocities?

You’re doing this shit again.

I’m trying to converse fairly with you, reading posts & links….

You continue to ignore my points.

cc @glenshane

Did you read that article?

War is hell. And is now available on your mobile devices.


Not yet harry. Tomorrow

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Were these the neo-Nazi factions of the Ukrainian forces?

Interesting thread

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You’d like these fellas

That’s behind Russian lines, for people like me not in the know…

Well worth a listen