Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Military acumen

This article caused shock in the White House Iā€™m told.

hes there for kalibr calibration

100,000 Russian troops getting ready to obliterate Kharkiv again

Have no fear Varadkar is on his way

I wonder did Zelenskyy play a few of his favorite disco classics for him.

Those eejits wonā€™t even be able to find Kharkiv let alone obliterate it.

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I read the whole article and got positive vibes from it.
I wouldnā€™t normally be a fanā€¦

Did Leo compare socks with him and go for a jog?

He tried but Zelenskyy was having none of it.


The above photo was quickly dropped from the RTE website.


Iā€™d love to know how the logistics of these things work.

Like on a much bigger scale, the Biden trip over there a couple of months back.

There must be a very small cohort that have some serious stories to tell.


Superb interview. The parallells between Russians view on Ukraine with Brits on Ireland circa Home Rule are striking

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The expressions flanking Zelenskyy would indicate that the strategists have never heard of Ireland but we thank you, all the same.


The exact opposite to what the lads were telling us on here :rofl:

Fire up the nyt article there, for those of us who dont have a subscriptionā€¦

Should get a few free articles a month


We havenā€™t seen anything so callous, mercenary and psychopathic from our leaders since ww1.
There are probably between 300 and 350k dead Ukrainians this stage, many more maimed. But with ith an eye on the 2024 election the Americans spin the notion that the Ukrainians are ā€œrisk averseā€. Itā€™s quite a leap.
In case thereā€™s any doubt, a peace deal was in place in april of '21. No loss of territory for Ukraine, neutrality, autonomy for Eastern Ukraine etc. Boris flew in to scupper the deal, and anyone who thinks he wasnā€™t doing the bidding of the US is basically a clown. Meanwhile zelensky has sacked recruitment officials in all 22 regions of Ukraineā€¦helping those that can afford the bribes to escape the country, and the slaughter. Maybe itā€™s not so sweet and noble to die for ones country.
Btw. American officials say they fear that Ukraine has become casualty averse. Think about that for a second.
US grows doubtful Ukraine counteroffensive can quickly ā€¦ US grows doubtful Ukraine counteroffensive can quickly succeed | Financial Times
