Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

This has the gist of it. Basically biden is desperate for a photo op and a headline, regardless of the cost. The americans know the Ukraine hadn’t a chance so the best option is one final bloodbath, plant a flag somewhere suddenly endowed with strategic importance and then quietly sell a gullible public a different distraction. Rinse and repeat.

Wasn’t there a clown on here saying that Ukraine would have the war won in four weeks once the mud dried up in may?

There were several of them in fairness- Ukrainians will win because they’re fighting for their homeland, russians are a hape of drunk ex-cons, superior western weapons, commies deserting in droves.
Maybe you’re thinking of glas- only he was predicting two weeks, but that was last year- he wasn’t even waiting for the 'spring offensive ’

You’re a gas man posting up articles behind pay walls that probably everybody including yourself hasn’t access to.

Easier for him to make up the things he says are in them that way.

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Try to educate fellas and this is the thanks you get

I heard somewhere that Russia has planted more Landmines in the last 12 months across Eastern Ukraine than the amount planted by the Nazis in World War 2.

You’d think all these sophisticated satellites etc would see or be watching where all these landmines were being planted.

It’s almost like it’s suiting Putin & Biden to slowly extend this now.

I read they’re up to six deep per square metre. For miles.

It’s amazing how they were allowed to carry out such extensive mining with such sophisticated surveillance technology available to NATO Forces etc.

I’m not sure I understand. Allowed?

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They do know where they’re planted, the yanks gave them mine clearing vehicles…which the russians blew up.

Why do you think it suits outin and biden to extend the war?

I’m trying to think what would the best way to become flying mince… landmine … cluster bomb … thermo bomb :thinking:

The nuances of war are kinda breathtaking. I think I’m getting a woodie .

Go Ukraine :ukraine: we love the way you kill people :heart: :heart:

Putin & Biden facing scrutiny from their populations.

It’s been the long term goal of the American establishment to bog russia down in a conflict with Ukraine. The idea was to weaken russia, strengths american global domiance and line the pockets of the Washington elite. The pocket lining has gone superbly, the rest not so much.

Did he name check any posters on here ?

This hasn’t aged well

Private plane crash in Moscow. Ten dead. Prigozhin on passenger list


Looks like they went for the plane crash option rather than shoving him out of a high window. Gotta mix it up.

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Just unlucky really

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