Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Very unfortunate

Could have happened to any of us. “There but for the grace of Vlad….”

August is a great month for wars starting/ramping up

I thought Vlad would get to work quicker to be honest, but I suppose that would have been too obvious. Now nobody will suspect he might have done it. The two months makes all the difference.

Didn’t require any great insight to see that coming

Looking forward to getting @glenshane’s view. Should be a laugh if nothing else.

Hold on lads we might need VAR/Hawkeye for this. Editor of the Spectator saying there were two planes and yer man might have been in the second one. Source is Wagner so obviously take with a large pinch of salt.

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It would be hilarious if he was alive


It would be good craic if Putin tried to kill him and misses as he would surely march on Moscow again. However it is far more likely he’s been sploded.

What was the thick cunt doing in Moscow. Wasn’t he supposed to be in Belarus

Maybe he went back to pick up some of his belongings

I really hope the cunt is alive. It would be an incredible humiliation for Putin if he swung and missed.


He’s dead alright.

Thought he was bringing peace and democracy to Africa

Prigozhin reminds me a lot of this guy. Ernst Rohm. He didn’t look like a poker player either, and like Prigozhin, he wasn’t.

My guess is he never set foot on any plane. He has already been carted off to a Gulag to see out his days.

Russian state tv. A reliable source no less.

I saw this morning on twitter, unverified and didnt share here or take more notice, but a video and tweet that claim he was in Africa getting involved in the upcoming war in niger. Needless to say if he is dead it was fake news

They tend to tell the truth when enemies of Putin are taken out.