Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Glenshane will be along to tell us the myocarditis was shed onto him from another vaccine victim :smiley:


There was a very excitable fellow on Claire Byrne this morning who was sure it was a bomb.

A good profile on him here.

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Qewan is unironically peddling the line that Putin didnā€™t murder Prigozhin.

Thereā€™s nothing as predictable as a ā€œfree thinkerā€.

The BRICS summit seems to be gaining momentum this time around. Interesting in terms of reserve currency schtick. Maybe they will be a formidable counterbalance to the west in time. Who knows.

Maybe if you get your news from George Galloway.

Really? What does he think happened? Still alive or actual airplane accidental crashā€¦

I didnā€™t wait around to find out.

Stupid bastard isnā€™t supposed to say it out loud, but at least he sounds positive

This is unreal.

Finland have enough bomb shelters for 4.8 million people in a country of 5.5 million.
WE have feck all as far as I can see.

TBF they have good reason to.


Weā€™ll be grand

We can just go the pub though because thatā€™s what Irish people do.

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Except pubs are closing all over the place now so hardly enough of them to serve as bomb shelters

We donā€™t border Russia.

Glas thinks nukes are thrown over the fence. You literally couldnā€™t make it up.

Proximity to the combatants has no relevance?

Would the bookies stay open?

Russian state TV shows clips simulating Ireland being wiped out by nuclear weapons ā€“ The Irish Times

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Not really. They have these things called nuclear submarines and hypersonic missiles. They move about a lot.