Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

I know some lads went to the lengths of doing up a spare room to take them in but nice to see both recognition for token effort at helping and also they feel safe enough to return home.


I see @balbec is closing the door to young lads fleeing the slaughter, handing them back to the Ukrainians where they’ll be firat up the line to death.

Who’s fault might that be?

I think you should sit out the russia vs Ukraine discussion

Because they know he’s a lying fraud scumbag?

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Hes just asking question pal

I’d say it’s because he’s a headcase


Russia have put him forward as a “small arms expert” at the UN, he has no such expertise. They pay him and he reads out their script. It’s blatant disinformation, as is anything he says, the kind of stuff the awkward squad on here lap up. That’s why no one wants his opinion.

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How’s the war going?

He’s a shit Lord Haw Haw.

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Much better for Ukraine than for Russia.

Is he not loaded already from some successful business in healthcare or am I mixing him up with someone else ? For some reason I thought he came to prominence for calling out HSE wasting public funds .

He did that but he isn’t loaded.

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You sound like blinken, gates and the other US lying warlords. By what metric is it going well for Ukraine?

By both the numbers, by Russia being on the defensive and by Russia currently controlling very little of Ukraine.

Because he can’t spell?

What are the numbers?

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What do you think of the idea that the russian government are going on the telly and openly saying that they have to kill millions?