Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Ukrainians blew up a couple of navy ships a submarine and the dry dock in Sevastopol last night.

Have we won yet?

crimea river putin


They took over some oil rig in the black sea too

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Kadyrov, Putins buddy in Chechnya, is supposedly in a coma.

Systemic health problems, whatever that means. Not an injury anyway.

Falling out windows is a systemic health issue in Russia

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Or radiation poisoning

They are saying thatvfor the last 16 months ffs

How is the counter offensive going now lads?

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I thought that the leopard and challenger tanks were the game changers, maybe the 4 F16’s they are getting in 2025 will make the difference :sweat_smile:

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Its terrible. Of course the military industrial complex are nudging Ukraine forward. This war is not going to end either. Its genuinely desperate stuff.

Absolutely no calls for peace. Surely that should be sought after. Seems to be no interest in it sadly.

Ukraine won’t accept peace until the Russians fuck off. You surely understand that


That’s the long & the short of it.

They should be happy they got Crimea at all the thieving cunts.

Aye, then they can peacefully continue butchering their own citizens in eastern Ukraine . It must be lovely to have such a clear understanding of the situation?

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Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori

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It must make life very simple to be told what you think every morning.

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Draw a line from the rand corporation to your institute for the study of war to Victoria nuland to robert kagan to iraq to ukraine 2014.

You forgot to mention George Soros and Klaus Schwab.