Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

season 6 episode 10 GIF


Yes, they’re a bit of a joke really…it’s not as if they advised using Ukraine to provike a war with russia. That never happened

This a dumb comment mate. There are constant calls for peace. Pretty much the entire international community is repeatedly calling on Russia to end it’s illegal invasion and withdraw from Ukraine, all the time.

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How twee

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The rumour on twitter this morning is Kadyrov is dead.

We will have to wait and see.

Be interesting if so. Will the Chechens have another crack off breaking away?

the sopranos hbo GIF

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One headache Putin could do without at the moment.

Fair chance he murdered him too though

Some amount of rumours out there.

There wouldn’t be any shortage of people wanting to kill him anyway

I would put every single chip I have on Chechnya having an even more psychopathic, hairstylist deprived mongrel waiting in the wings to replace him if he croaks. If I was feeling lucky, which I ain’t, I’d ask for a double on them being blood relation. The separatists, which is probably not the correct term sound like a severely weakened outfit, which if true means they’ll bide their time to see what happens to the Master Of Moscow whilst rebuilding and wait for a more appropriate time to strike. The weaker Putin gets, the weaker his puppets become.

Sounds seriously strange and unorganised* A quick google there tells me there are Chechen groups fighting on each side of the Ukraine war.

•For want of a better word.

The Chechens were at war with the Russians for ages sure. Putin burnt the place to the ground to end the war and then used one of their own, in Kadyrov, to keep them down.

They are saying his brother would be the next man up

Worth a listen

Probably the brother who would have better than him only for the drink


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Good clip here. The defence of rape and rapists does seem to be a big thing among Russia lovers in general.

I wonder where Russell Brand fits into all this.

A direct hit on the black sea fleet HQ in Sevastopol. Reports that the admiral of the fleet was killed.


Biden might as well have pulled the trigger himself.