Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

It’s amazing that the Russians seem happy to lose that ground on their own border whilst fighting tooth & nail in the south. :thinking:

It’s all about the length of the front-line I suppose and what they are capable of defending.

Looking at sky news the other night they’ve dug in fairly deep in the south east.

Its a bit like if the Irish government retook strabane and loyalists from bangor, supported by the Conservative party, decided to reclaim it for the crown?

This line of argument might prove difficult for the proud sons of Ulster

As would most lines of argument.
Most sensible adults probably realise that this will end up with a situation for both Ukraine and Russia that can be sold as a victory or seen as a loss. Sheeple will soon be told to look elsewhere

Much like the eventual NI result I suppose. What were those fools doing all those years

Do you simultaneously hold the view that ireland should be 32 counties and ukraine should be free of Russia?

Sounds good to me…

Maybe ask the Ukrainians?

I posted this in 2015 just tried to read it back but cant get into it intersting

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RTE news : Zelensky stops in Shannon on way back from UN Assembly

This’ll drive the usual lads demented.

Did they get the harpist out?


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Was Zelensky able to get off the plane?

Yeltsin was full to the gills with vodka and left poor Albert Reynolds with egg on his face. Cc @Tassotti

Fuck sake chief, you’re usually better than that….

I heard their sub-editor had two unpaid parking tickets

We’ll be finding bullets in our Weetabix next…

US to supply long range missiles to Ukraine (eventually) :clap::clap::clap:

What’s your timetable for victory now glas?