Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Why not?

Hasn’t been much word on advances in recent weeks?

It’s an absolute calamity. The Ukrainian army has been wiped out and replaced by men in their 40s and 50s. Zelensky is trying to stop men fleeing Ukraine while asking surrounding countries to send back refugees/draft dodgers.
Poland has told him to go shit in his hat and slovakia is about to follow suit.
Ann Margaret has cancelled.

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With no air support sure they’re just sending their people to death over and over again. They’ve no chance.

Its genuinely very sad. It’s an open ended war that no one wants to end in the West.

Calling for peace has been perceived across Europe as far right, contrarion carry on…

Even Michael D’s wife was attacked over it. She was correct though in fairness.


Everyone neutral in this wants peace but it’s hard to call that out whilst Putin still has boots on the ground.

It’s appears to me the continuation of this War is suiting Putin as much as Biden & Co too

You could argue it is suiting Putin too. I don’t disagree. Where is the end game though. Ukraine aren’t going to be able to achieve what they want. Its simply not going to happen unless the US and NATO properly join in and I don’t think anyone in their right mind wants a nuclear world war.

Peace is the only answer as uncomfortable as that might be. We need to be honest about it.

As things stand we’re just standing by and letting thousands of Ukrainians die for a counter offensive that they can’t win.

Who would you describe as neutral?

Very pertinent question that.

Lads are ‘neutral’ now. It’s quite the turnaround


I suppose it was a poor term to use but in simpler terms I’d say that once Russia invaded there wasn’t any right reasoning on that side of the fence.

You firmly believe crimes were happening against minorities in Eastern Ukraine, but if Putin was happy to arms separatists he could simply have taken those areas early doors.

Rampaging straight for Kiev only highlighted his thirst for a land grab as opposed to fighting for those loyal minorities.

The West continue to support an invaded nation which is unsurprising but Putin drew that reaction. Not Zelenskyy.

Now it appears to me that both sides are profiting from an extended drawn out stalemate.

Weapons a selling & commodities inflating….

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The military industrial complex on both sides are licking their lips. Its hugely profitable for them obviously.

Diplomacy and some sort of agreement will happen eventually. I’d rather it happened tomorrow personally.

Its an extremely dangerous game of chess.

As did the UN, amnesty international, the nyt, the guardian etc etc etc. Only a moron would argue otherwise.

If it was a land grab why the minsk accords, the request for negotions on december 18 21, the peace talks in april '22, agreeing to withdraw etc.

I cant believe youre sticking to the same oul pseudo pretend shit harry. Time to admit you were wrong from the start.

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Putin will walk away when he’s happy that Ukraine is a 100 years away from repair.

He cannot win there no more than they can.

As the stalemate continues his own wealth is growing no doubt.

Plenty of vested interests on the other side happy to make the coin too of course.

Do you still think bush and blair earnestly believed in WMD? Please answer- I’m trying to giage the gullibility of the great unwashed.

You have your beliefs, I have mine.

Putin intensified unrest in Eastern Ukraine.

The West intensified anti Russian sentiment but the wider population didn’t need much sway on that front.

Agreements aren’t worth discussing really in defence of Russia once full scale invasion happened.

There was a peace agreement done over in Turkey in April 2022.

Scandalous really that Boris and co made shit of it.

They did in their fuck.

But, in all seriousness the West backed Ukrainian forces which you demean were never a threat to Russia.

Marked differences but both cuntish action nevertheless

Fire up an example

You’re pivoting for all you’re worth…ar least pivot to a sensible position. The west has been backing nazis in ukraine since the end of ww2. Why? Why do you think the US commisioned the rand corporation to explore the possibility of destabilising russia by creating unrest in eastern Ukraine? Why did the OSCE report increased bombing of civilian centres in eastern Ukraine by Ukrainian forces in the month before the russian invasion?
Don’t bother answering. Ive read enough esoteric vague musings.
Around half a million people have died. It’s hard to conceptualise or identify with any of them, but we should be capable of acknowledging why.


Why would Ukraine want a cease fire when they know full well the Russians would use it to rearm reposition and come again harder with their lessons learned?

We all want peace. But it involves total defeat of Russia. Otherwise it’s not peace, it’s a pause