Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Would it be because Putin invaded Ukraine?

Probably one of the most idiotic statements I have ever read on this forum.


Partly yeah.
Any other glib inanities?

Loads mate. Happy to post them anytime you post up your regurgitated Russian propaganda

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That’s not looking very likely though. Ukraine have made fuck all gains in the last five months.

Youve been spouting absolute nonsense from when this started- regurgitated , by your own admission, from the US state department propaganda shill site ,'the institute for the study of war '. Maybe that’s why you’ve been wrong so often?

Peace is unconditional surrender by Ukraine?
Some peace that is

Are we still winning guys?

You’ve really taken the time to think this out, haven’t you? Superb analysis

I look forward to reading the next opinion you’ve been given by freethinkers weekly.
Is it a Thursday or Friday that you find out what your independent thoughts are for the next week?

I’d say you haven’t had a thought in ten years that you wasn’t fed to you by some lunatic :grinning:


Why would you say that?

You should read back over your contributions on this thread- they might sober you up a little.

“Some sort of agreement” is years away, if it ever happens.

Dungiven’s answer to Enoch Burke, without the sense of humour.

How are your other predictions working out?

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Which ones. The imaginary ones in your head?

Say a gang bursts into your home and they won’t move out, should you sign it over to them for the sake of peace?

He’ll bolt out the backdoor and never look back the cowardly bollocks.

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I don’t think that’s a fair comparison mate.

I was referring to Ukraine sending hundreds if not thousands of their own people into a counter offensive that they cannot win.

Unfortunately for them it has been proven that they will not win that battle. They are being massacred as they have no presence in the air.

For me in that scenario I would do everything I could to stop lives being lost. Thats just my opinion though.