Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Ok youā€™d sign your house over to them. Got you.

No point discussing it further mate. You will never debate fairly. Thatā€™s no bother.

Irs a nice twee analogy. Thats all that matters


You canā€™t help some lads unfortunately.


is this shite still going on? Zelenkxy must be going ape that the Arabs and Israelis have stolen his limelight


Zelensky jumping the gun a little here i feel. Probably best to wait for the accusation before blurting out the excuse?

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Scared Uh Oh GIF by Boomerang Official

They used these missiles to destroy a couple of airfields recently. Took out a pile of Russian helicopters.

RTE news : US giving long-range missiles to Kyiv ā€˜a grave mistakeā€™

Rte should really correct that headline.

I see the press, isw etc have now switched from cheerleading a glorious Ukrainian victory to cheerleading a valiant Ukrainian defence. I wonder if the beige brigade have noticed the sleight of hand?

This is some OOOOFFFFTTTT on that discredited fuckwit John Mearsheimer.

At the Mearsheimer event in Brisbane Australia, I asked John Mearsheimer why anybody should ever listen to him about Ukraine ever again considering he has been wrong about Ukraine every single time and now quotes Russian military bloggers like ā€œBig Serge,ā€ he just dodged response and claimed he has been proven correct in Ukraine because Ukraine is still suffering against Russia.

Iā€™ll try get video up as soon as I get a hold of it.

Text of my full question:

In your infamous 2015 University of Chicago lecture, you dismissed the idea that Russia would ever try to ā€˜ā€™conquer Ukraineā€™ā€™ ā€” arguing ā€˜ā€™Putin is much too smart for that.ā€™ā€™

Then, in the lead up to the 2022 invasion, you argued, and I quote you word for word: ā€˜ā€™What the Russians are going to do is CRUSH the Ukrainians. Theyā€™re going to bring out the big guns. Theyā€™re going to turn places like Kyiv and other cities in Ukraine into rubble. It will be like Fallujah, Mosul, Grozny.ā€™ā€™ You argued Western intervention would be pointless because Russia would level Ukraine and go nuclear against the West.

Then, in an interview with Chinese Communist Party controlled media outlet CGTN on February 23rd this year, you said, and again, I quote you word for word: ā€˜ā€™Conventional wisdom in the West has long been that Vladimir Putin was an imperialist and he was determined to conquer Ukraine and make it part of a Greater Russia. There is NO evidence to support that.ā€™ā€™

So first, we were told that Russia and Putin will NEVER try conquer Ukraine.

Then you told us that Russia will CRUSH the Ukrainians.

Then, when Russia invades but fails to take Kyiv, you argue there is NO evidence Russia ever wanted to conquer Ukraine.

Your claim that there is NO evidence for that Putin is an imperialist completely beggars belief.

ONE, Putin claims Ukraine is not a country and has never existed as a country. He openly compares himself to Peter the Great while musing on territorial conquest. Here is a Putin quote: ā€˜ā€™What was Peter doing? Taking back and reinforcing. Thatā€™s what he did. And it looks like it fell on us to take back and reinforce as well.ā€™ā€™ And while he muses about taking back Russian land, Russian military recruitment ads show Russian soldiers talking about the flats they will buy and occupy in Kyiv and Odessa.

TWO, Russian forces have systematically executed all Ukrainian cultural and civic leaders in every Ukrainian town that they have occupied. They leave behind mass graves, torture chambers and death pits.

THREE, Putin was indicted by the International Criminal Court for forcibly transferring hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia to be raised as Russian. Some three million Ukrainians have been deported to Russia, this is an act of genocide, an attempt to wipe out Ukraine as a nation and incorporate its children into Russia. For comparison: Nazi Germany deported about 200,000 Polish children for assimilation during the entire Second World War.

FOUR, Russia targets civilian energy infrastructure in Ukraine with the goal of making the country uninhabitable and ungovernable. They spent months last year boasting that they would freeze millions of Ukrainians to death.

So, my question. John, You have been wrong over and over and over again on Ukraine, blatantly wrong. You hang out with Victor Orban and quote crazy sleazy Russian military bloggers named ā€œBIG SERGEā€ in your writings.
Youā€™ve claimed to the New Yorker that Putin has never lied to other world leaders, you even said that Hitler only ever lied once or twice to other world leaders? Youā€™ve burnt your credibility, why should we take anything you say seriously ever again?

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I see the government said yesterday up to 30% of new arrivals from Ukraine are actually arriving after initial stays in other EU countries

Should we be asking questions?

Our tents must be best in class


I see they are just answering questions. Great for the askers

The government have basically agreed that Ireland canā€™t be out on its own as the best destination for arrivals from Ukraine so they want to scale it back.

The TƔnaiste has decided that even though everyone has already agreed this, government parties and civil service etc, he is going to make a show of objecting to it in order to present some sort of humanitarian concern.

Bizarre situation yesterday with everyone leaking to the media - firstly FF leaking that they were blindsided at cabinet. Then the other parties leaking that FF were feigning surprise just so Martin can appear like a statesman when he goes for European jobs.

Anyway will all get resolved in coming days I imagine with the objective to reduce the numbers selecting Ireland, particularly if not the initial destination.


Fact we are English speaking must be a draw?

Party politics Iā€™d say, heā€™s protecting the minister for housing and hence his party.