Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Trabolgan is reopening in '24 and the refugees placed there have been put on notice. Thatā€™s a lot of people.

From refugee haven to roaster heaven

Is the correct answer. Iā€™d love to have seen the look on the Minister for Housing face when ROG clicked onto the slide with a huge arrow showing where the refugees were headed in a few months timeā€¦As George Hamilton would say ā€˜danger hereā€™ā€¦

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Itā€™s the other way around. ROG plan was for a slowdown in migration from Ukraine. FF were pretending to be opposed to that despite having already agreed to it.

People would only get 90 days accommodation, when evicted from that theyā€™d become homeless and essentially the problem of the department of housing.

232 pound a week is very attractive

Hardly a leak.

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More of what we already know tbh. Same as the honeless crisis, there are people making serious coin out of and have no desire for it to be fixed

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Quite a narrative switch in fairness.

This is the real story.
Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but the plan seems to be, let them go home for Christmas, in the hope that they mightnā€™t come back at all.

They flew the kites last week and were surprised than there was little public backlash. Maybe theyll take the hint that tbw opinion of the general public is not the same as NGOs

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Different suggestion than the welfare value, but if its safe enough to return for Christmas than why are they here? The war isnt going to stop for a Christmas shutdown.

[quote=ā€œHeyyoubehindthebushes, post:2842, topic:36060, full:trueā€]
why are they here?
[/quote] 232 pound a week, thats why

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They are escaping a war and i agree that they deserve asylum but if its okay to go back for Christmas than surely its not that bad?

Why are you so bothered by it you whiny cunt?

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We are throwing billions at aid for a war thats not ours . The goverment are admitting now that we are too generous. Thwy are here because its not safe, so why should they get their benefits off the irish state to go home to an unsafe warzone?

It might be nice for them to spend Christmas with family, donā€™t you think?

Could we bring the family out here?

Is it to allow them visit family that are taking refuge in other countries or back to Ukraine? I assume those front east ukraine wont go back but i doubt the bombs and drones wont stop due to it being Christmas? So is it too dangerous for them to live there then why are they returning?