Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Its over for Zelensky

Is this still on?

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All over bar the shooting

The Ukraine are running out of bodies fast, who would have guessed that a country of 160 million v a country of 50 million would have the advantage, it doesn’t matter how many tiger tanks or javelins they give them. Another triumph of American foreign policy right here, well done crooked Joe Biden

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In fairness joe was just implementing a decade old policy aimed at drawing russia into a war with Ukraine.

The lads on here who want Ukraine to surrender what exactly do they want to happen after that? All the Ukrainians to just become Russian or what ?

About 20% of them already are russian, that’s probably the place to start. The solution seemed pretty obvious- unfortunately Ukraine and the west preferred war to implementing previously negotiated settlements

What’s the solution ?

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About 10% of our population is Polish.
Should we let them invade us as well?

Ceasefire. Referendum held in eastern donbas. Demilitarised zone between east and west, EU membership for a slightly smaller Ukraine, nato membership off the table, protection for language, religious minorities, rebuilding programme etc.
Id have it done in 24 hours, quickest peace agreement ever, bigly

Putin what’s to wipe the Ukrainians from the face of the earth and lads on here what them to surrender.

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Sure that’s not putins plan at all. He was to erase the Ukrainians.

Give up Donetsk and Luhansk to Russia, they are all ethnic Russian anyway

That’s not going to stop him. He wants to wipe them out.

What did he agree to in april of last year?

American propaganda

He’s a raving lunatic who’s lost his mind.

You haven’t got a clue what you are talking about. Not one notion.


We’ll put them all into west clare and start bombing them with artillery…it’ll be a better comparison then

Answer the question. Did Ukraine and Russia reach an agreement or not?

You’d believe pigs can fly.

Putin is a deranged raving lunatic.

He wants to wipe Ukrainians off the face of the earth and you think they should just roll over and let it happen.