Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

A gift of shot glasses like grenades that exploded when he opened them.

Hand delivered by one of his own soldiers apparently. Whats the world coming to when you cant even trust your own neonazis?

Could i borrow an oul Ukrainian uniform @Tank?

Any further questions?


Would separatist’s really have agreed to this though. Have you not been of a firm belief all throughout this War that these people would not be happy living in a Ukrainian state?

“ They therefore focused their peace negotiations on Ukraine’s neutrality and its renunciation of NATO membership. In return, Ukraine would have retained its territorial integrity except for Crimea. “

This is very wishy washy too….

“ Proposal 2: These international security guarantees for Ukraine would not extend to Crimea, Sevastopol, or certain areas in the Donbas. The parties to the treaty would have to define the boundaries of these areas or agree that each party understands these boundaries differently. “

Again, this seems to level all negotiations at Ukraines doorstep after being invaded….

“ Proposal 8: The desire of the parties to resolve the issues related to Crimea and Sevastopol will be included in bilateral negotiations between Ukraine and Russia for a period of 15 years. Ukraine and Russia also commit not to resolve these issues by military means and to continue diplomatic resolution efforts. “

Considering all of above outlined ( heavily leaning on Ukraine, the invaded party ) Proposals was such a response particularly surprising?

“ But this initial support quickly turned sour, with NATO opposing any such negotiations before Russia doesn’t withdraws all its troops from Ukrainian territories. This, in fact, killed all negotiations. “

Personally I don’t doubt that Western leaders wanted to bog down Putin but I’d also think that Putin wouldn’t have been dreaming of negotiating if his own failings at an attempted Invasion hadn’t spectacularly failed early doors.
Again, is it fair to believe that the invaded country would accept the outlined conditions?

“ Russian and Ukrainian negotiators appeared to have tentatively agreed on the outlines of a negotiated interim solution in March 2022,” write Fiona Hill and Angela Stent. “Russia would retreat to its Feb. 23 position, when it controlled part of the Donbas region and all of Crimea, and in return Ukraine would promise not to seek NATO membership and instead receive security guarantees from a number of countries. The decision to let the deal fail coincided with Johnson’s visit to Kiev in April, during which he urged Ukrainian President Zelenskiy to break off talks with Russia for two main reasons: Putin is impossible to negotiate with, and the West is not ready for an end to the war. “

This is fairly fucking ironic, no?
If Putin wanted peace and not mobilisation could he have taken boots off the ground immediately?

“ In his announcement of the partial mobilization, Putin stated on September 21, 2022:

“I would like to make this public for the first time today. After the start of the special military operation, especially after the talks in Istanbul, the Kiev representatives expressed quite positive views on our proposals. These proposals were mainly about ensuring Russia’s security and interests. But a peaceful solution obviously did not suit the West, which is why Kiev, after agreeing on some compromises, was actually ordered to nullify all these agreements.”

On the occasion of the visit of an African peace delegation on June 17, 2023, Putin demonstratively showed the agreement accepted and initialed in Istanbul ad referendum to the cameras. “

Final query.

If Zelenskyy was so willing to sign up a Deal after Putin invaded why did he plead for months beforehand for help from the West?
It’s bizarre if you think about it, no?
Why wasn’t Putin for negotiating before Invading?

“ Based on the publicly available reports and documents, it is not only plain that there was a serious willingness to negotiate on the part of both Ukraine and Russia in March 2022. Apparently, the negotiating parties even agreed on a draft treaty ad referendum. Zelensky and Putin were ready for a bilateral meeting to finalize the outcome of the negotiations. Fact is that the main results of the negotiations were based on a proposal by Ukraine, and Zelenskyy courageously supported them in an interview with Russian journalists on March 27, 2022, even after NATO decided against these peace negotiations. Zelensky had already expressed similar support beforehand in a sign that proves that the intended outcome of the Istanbul negotiations certainly corresponded to Ukrainian interests. “

@carryharry what am i supposed to do with such insincere spurious nonsense?

This is a typical response.

Could you not address any query?

You’re just being a clown…

That’s your logic?

Is it not clear as day from your link that Negotiations were almost entirely on Russia’s terms?

He was…minsk 1, minsk 2, and he asked biden for negotions in the weeks before the invasion.
Christ almighty, have you being paying any attention?

Had Ukraine joined NATO?

Could they join NATO?

Had NATO put bases on Ukrainian ground?

Putin invaded because?

We’ve been over all this, im wasting my time

Why did he invade? He funded a separatist movement in Ukraine.
He lined up preferred Political allies……

Were Ukraine getting Nuclear weapons ready?

Germany is unquestionably the all-time world champion in shit foreign policy. They went through maybe a 50 year period where their form dropped off but class is permanent and they’re back with a bang now. They seem to have a guilt complex towards the Russians like they have towards the Israelis. Russia loving gobshites like yer man seem to dominate German public debate on the issue.

Here you go Gladys

You’d have to question some of the decisions they took between 1933 and 1945 anyway.

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