Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

A brilliant move tbf.
The yanks are absolutely desperate for a war with iran- the timing isnā€™t ideal, thereā€™s a global power shift under way and Israel might unite the arabs in unforeseen ways.
Hilary winning in 2016 would have been ideal, it could have been another forever war

Whatever happened to those Tanks? they were supposed to smash everything

Peaky Blinders got em mate.

The russians wore them down. Time and throwing bodies at is it Russiaā€™s greatest strength. The US has far more pressing issues at hand now and the same appetite to provide weapons and money isnā€™t thereā€¦ Zelensky is calling for peace talks at Davosā€¦ Without Russia in attendance :person_shrugging:t2:ā€¦ He is more than likely just picking out what state he wants to move to and the colour scheme of his mansion.

Heā€™s not really. Heā€™s telling the rest of the World what his terms for peace are. As you said heā€™s refusing to even speak with the Russians. His terms reportedly involves a full Russian withdrawl btw, and prosecution for all Russian war crimes. Not eactly like he is looking to reach out to Vlad to find middle ground.

The Russian bots painted that as he was looking for peace on twitter, then the free thinkers who are told what free thoughts they are going to have, and when they are going to have them, were on here and twitter saying he was calling for a ceasefire and he was giving up.

You couldnā€™t make it up, other than the bits they did make up obviously


ā€œI donā€™t believe Putin is capable of changing, only humans can do that,ā€ Mr. Zelensky said.

Quite the peacemaker

Where do you think the partition of Ukraine will run from?

Sounds like russia are finally out of options

EU close to agreeing 50 billion funding for Ukraine :clap:t3:

Are you finally getting worried?

Iā€™m just pointing out the absurd desperation to brainwash the public. The reality is that anyone with a brain knows whatā€™s going on, while on the other hand youā€™ve lads like glas who willingly lap up the nonsense

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The real news is that the public rivalry between zelensky and his top general looks to be reaching a conclusion, with zaluzhny likely to be fired. His replacement will probably be the head of Ukrainian military intelligence. This marks a shift in emphasis- America is basically telling their puppets to accept loss of territory, to move away from a military campaign and adopt an insurgency strategy insteadā€¦basically the long term goal, as repeatedly stated by the neocons.
Just to wipe the slate clean, zelensky sent his elite presidential guards to the front line in Avdiivka- where many of them are surrendering or spreading themselves out over a large area, as blackadder would say.

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Have you a link for that?
I couldnā€™t find anythingā€¦

It was reported by at least two of the following:
Defence politics asia, judging freedom, the duran and the military summary channel

I think people dismissing the idea that Russia would attack a NATO state are woefully clueless. If Russia wins in Ukraine, and gets in Trump a President willing to abandon NATO, Putin will strike NATO. This isnā€™t a low-probability event, itā€™s Russiaā€™s explicit goal in Europe.

Every question about the future of European security and the prospect of a world war needs to be understood in this context. This is Russiaā€™s plan, to destroy the Westā€™s collective defence policy and then to conquer territory to rebuild the Russian empire.

The failure of those who do not recognise the threat posed by Russian fascism can not afford to lead to European complacency on this issue. Europe must prepare for war, the consequences of not doing so are too dire to contemplate.

We in the west do not see ourselves as being at war with Russia, but Russia absolutely sees itself as being at war with the west.

If you do not understand this you have no business discussing foreign policy whatsoever.

It doesnā€™t matter how many losses Russia sustains in Ukraine if they are still able to declare victory. In that scenario, Moscow will believe they have defeated the entire NATO alliance on the battlefield. From that point onwards, Russia will believe themselves to be unstoppable.

Itā€™s 2024 and people are still listening to the same stooges for Russian fascism that predicted Putin would never strike Kyiv, now reassuring them that Russia has already suffered a strategic defeat and that itā€™s time to concede land for appeasement, ending the hostilities.

Thatā€™s a recipe for a third World War. Itā€™s as simple as that. These people want to sleepwalk Europe into the abyss, and without doubt they will argue that we should abandon the Baltic States next.

The line must be drawn here. This far, no further. Ukraine is not just fighting for her own survival, she is fighting for the future freedom of all of our children.

We must stand with Ukraine till victory, no matter the cost. For without victory, there can be no survival.
The same people that told you Ukraine is not worth dying for will be the same people that tell you Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia arenā€™t worth dying for either.

If we do not stand with our allies now, there will be nobody left to stand with us tomorrow.

Probably not far off. Equally Netanyahu hoping he can keep the war going until Trump gets in.


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