Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

How many pointless deaths before the talks start?

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The americans could probably sell a peace deal if they wanted one, they could even convince many that any outcome is a victory for the west and defeat for putin. The reality is that the Ukraine project is designed to destabilise russia and damage putin, so it will likely continue so long as there are Ukrainians to sacrifice…or until the Ukrainians can get rid of zelensky

Imagine believing “the reality is the Irish project is designed to destabilise Britain”.

At the heart of pro-Russia conspiracy theorists like @glenshane lies a stinking racism which would do justice to Enoch Powell.

If only those pesky Americans hadn’t made him invade

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Why did he invade?

I might have asked you this before, but I can’t remember. When I used to be an INTERNET SF/IRA supporter (pre 9am & after 5.30pm) a lot of Twitter accounts I looked at or followed were public figures from the north & a load of them tacitly supported Putin when Russia invaded Ukraine. They’d be throwing shade at NATO & Zelensky to justify it & retweeting all these pro Russia conspiracy theory headbangers. Some of them seemed to be otherwise intelligent & stuff. I couldn’t get my head around it given many of them lived through RUC, british army atrocities, shoot to kill, their land being occupied by an invading force etc. Is it as simple as UK/USA are supporting Ukraine so we’re supporting Russia or is something else at play? You even had some of them saying…yeah but there’s Nazis in Donetsk so Russia had to invade Kiev. It’d be like justifying the brits razing Belfast to the ground because that Justin Barrett fella below in Cork is a little far right pain in the hole.

Why do you think putin invaded Ukraine? Maybe attempt a coherent response, instead of indulging in some snide bullshit in a failed attempt to camouflage your ignorance?

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Mostly it’s as simple as that I think. Mostly it’s just useful idiots. But there is a not insignificant sort of tankie disdain for democracy within Sinn Fein I think. There are a lot of bot/troll accounts and you’d have to think Russia is not completely uninterested in this fair island of ours. I think one of the major things that people underestimate is the effectiveness of the sheer volume of bot and troll accounts across social media, not just Twitter but Facebook, comment sections on news websites, on everything. They just drown everything out and make ordinary people feel it’s pointless to comment in good faith, and it is.

I find it depressing how little crossover there is between online support for Ukraine and online support for the right of Palestinians not to be genocided. Everybody prominent online and indeed offline seems to be playing a cynical geopolitical game, or at least these are the massively dominant voices. The people with a belief in universal human rights - and a universal human rights position obviously says that the cause of Ukraine to be free of Russian invasion and interference is just and the right of the Palestinian people to live in peace and freedom in their own state is just - these views are marginalised.

I see Joe Brolly retweeting a lot of dodgy accounts. I’ve read enough of Joe’s views to think that his heart is in the right place as regards Gaza, but some of the people he retweets are pure pro-Putin shills. The problem is that what these pro-Putin shills say as regards events happening in Gaza and the destruction of human rights is largely correct - the truth suits them in this instance - but these same sources act as bad as pro-Israel shills when it comes to what Russia does. And the gullible are taken in by them when it comes to Russia because they listen to them on Palestine.

Almost everybody is compromised in some way. The only people not compromised are those with no power, who do not have paymasters, who are not looking for online “allies”, who are unafraid to go against the grain because they understand the issues.

I’m not really sure where all this ends for Sinn Fein. On the one hand they’re pro-EU because they’re anti-Brexit, or at least claim to be, and Ireland is a very pro-EU country, so they have to be pro-EU if they want to be in power. Yet they retain that anti-west mindset, and the destruction of the EU is one of the pillars of that anti-west mindset. A so called multi-polar world is the central plank of that mindset, but a so called multi-polar world means dictatorships, ie. China and Russia, become the dominant powers in the world. If you want a so-called multi-polar world this puts you in the same camp as Trump. It’s difficult to ride both of those horses in the long run.

The west itself obviously has a massive boil on its own arse which is Israel and because of Israel it is facing a (correct) accusation of a massive double standard and hypocrisy by the Russia/China aligned geopolitical camp. The Russia/China geopolitical camp doesn’t care about (correct) accusations of double standards and hypocrisy because they actually want the world to be run by dictatorships.

Ultimately if you want the world to fall into the dominance of the so called multi-polar camp, I’m not sure how you can really claim to be pro-EU or pro-democracy at all.


The date must be wrong on this document from the OSCE- it says 2021, and shur we all know that the trouble all kicked ed off in February of '22, when evil putin woke up and decided to take over the wotld

Ukrainians themselves support Israel :person_shrugging:t2:

Would tou ever fuck off. We were told what to think by claire byrne two years ago and we dont need headbangers like you muddying the waters

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Ffs. Shur didn’t lavrov say as much at the UN last week? This bloomberg fella must be some sort of genius

Are Russia not winning? Why the step down?

Winning what harry? Whats the endgame here?

Russia invaded Ukraine.

You wanted Ukraine to surrender.

Ukraine refused to surrender.

Now Russia are on the verge Of turning around going back to where they came from.

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Shur they agreed to go back where they came from in april of '22.
When will they be returning to russia btw? Could you provide a time frame?

The War.

Isn’t Vlad trying to eradicate Nazi’s?

Aren’t the West trying to defeat the Empire?