Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Good grief, this lad badly needs an intervention


You can be better.

Watching Nationwide last night, seems to be alot of fit Ukranian men living here that are of fighting age.

I highly doubt it.

Fair play to them

That’s the spirit, knock em dead champ.

Counter offensive lined up for 2025

Only one operational A-50 left and no ability to replace them. Ruh Roh

Ivan Katch-an-ovski is a great name for a man claiming to reveal the truth

I thought this was clear from the outset? Not much of a story there.

Surprised that you haven’t mentioned it before?

Seems legit?

To quite a few yes. But the clueless lads like Bandage, Harry and Arthur have denied it from the off.

Headbangers like Sid have flat out called it a lie

The US and others are providing them with weapons and training their army, why wouldn’t they provide them with intelligence? Seems like a non-story to me.

I’m glad you recognise it as a US proxy war.

Yeah I just meant the intelligence bit, would have thought that was clear enough.

Fair play to @glenshane for persevering with lads like @glasagusban and @carryharry . Who said you can’t educate pork?

It’s cute the way the genocidal freaks here always post at the same time so they can tag team their genocidal spamming shite.

What’s new?