Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Glas has fallen

Navalany died for fuck all, thats the sad part of it. He’ll be forgotten about next week when the social media warriors have moved onto the next fad

But his hot wife will persevere

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Medvedev says the loud part out loud

Ruh Roh


Makes sense

As vicious and sinister a warmonger as you’re likely to find. She’s probably planning to run as the democrat candidate

Martyr Made :rofl:

Typical response from a lad who consistently got it wrong by accident and on purpose, despite the patience and efforts of his betters

Gas cunt :smiley:

Imagine naming a street after a nutcracker

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I didn’t know sandy hook is in ukraine?

You didn’t check out the source of your post?

Is that what you do? Defeat logic and common sense by scurrying around the internet looking for something irrelevant?

A lad taking Alex Jones side in the Sandy Hook thing probably lacks common sense

That’s all well & good chief but you posted his ramblings not me.

What ramblings? Do you think that he’s lying about victoria nuland? At least you lads have abandoned your Ukraine prevarications