Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Do you agree with him on Alex Jones?

This is the russia vs Ukraine thread. Why are you trying to change the subject?

Flesh out your sources better in future, chief.

Martyr Madeā€¦.:rofl:

Have you listened to a martyr made podcast?

Who could have guessed Dungivenā€™s resident genocide lover would get his opinions from people like this.


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Iā€™d say the Podcast is unrale

Youā€™re clearly upset about the departure of your warmongering propagandistā€¦which of her pet projects do you like the mostā€¦Libya, Syria, Ukraineā€¦?

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Iā€™m clearly devastated :rofl:

Maybe youve just lost interestā€¦such a waste, after going and acquiring all that expertise. Weā€™ll miss your towering intellect

Youā€™ll calm down in time.

Whoā€™s to say the Hitler admiring, Sandy Hook denying, tweeter isnā€™t a reputable source on Putinā€™s special military operation in Ukraine? :rofl:

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The beige lads in a group hug. I havenā€™t seen such togetherness since the last claire byrne Ukraine special

Even a stopped clock is right once a day, Iā€™m sure @glenshane has the wisdom to know when that one time is.

Here is why the work of


is so important and why you should follow her. Obviously, a lot of the Russian media content she shares through her Russian Media Monitor is entertaining. But the actual value lies not in entertainment but in her ripping apart the consensus bias, so prevalent in the West. What it means is that we in the West often assume that Russians share at least some of the assumptions and ideas that we take for granted in the West. For example: Russians may hate NATO, the US, and may even want to conquer Ukraine. But they sure donā€™t want to physically exterminate the Ukrainian nation, right? Wrong. They talk about it often and they use clear, concise language too. And so it is crucial that we in the West are continuously exposed to what Russians actually say about their goals. Not what we think they say based on what famous American political scientists tell us.

Pity we donā€™t get more of the same from Israel.


Why does Ukraine not want peace with Russia?

Why did Russia not want peace with the Nazis when they were invaded!!!*

*After they had signed a ā€œpeaceā€ deal with the Nazis.