Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Anything’s possible

I watched that 20 days in Mariupol last night - it was unreal (but in a tragic, sad way where you could barely watch at times). Overall though fairly essential viewing I think.

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The Russians have done great work there rebuilding the place into a modern city

A great boom around the place - tonnes of work around but not enough Ukrainians. They’ll have to organise a drive to get them home.

Extraordinary intrigue in Washington, Moscow and Kiev. Nuland visits kiev and lays her masterplan at the feet of zelensky. A diversionary attack on the kursk bridge followed by an audacious Ukrainian incursion into russia- with the goal of seizing of russian nuclear weapons in belgorod. Cooler heads in the U.S. airforce get wind of the plan, nuland is sacked and details of both german and Ukrainian involvement are leaked to the russians, in the hope that the situation can be deescalated. The result is a betrayal and massacre of the Ukrainian expeditionary forces, followed by a doubling down by kiev, followed by another massacre.

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It’s a war now officially.


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Ah. I suppose that explains all the death and destruction?

Scores killed in an attack on a concert hall in Moscow. The building is now on fire

The US warned of something like this happening a couple of weeks back. Putin came to power by murdering his own people so should be the prime suspect. What a coincidence it happens immediately after Russia declares itself “at war”.

This should be treated as a Reichstag fire moment unless proven otherwise.

Not Ukraine so, how will putin react to this

Thoughts and prayers to our Russian comrades. Islam has to go…

Reports the attackers are from the Russian republic of Ingushetia

Sounds like a lovely spot

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Islamic State claiming responsibility.