Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

CNN saying America warned Russia of the attack. How does that work?

Email or phone call

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Putin has always been unable to keep his own people safe, when he hasn’t been doing the killing of them himself.

I posted an article earlier. They issued advice to their citizens a few weeks ago to avoid concerts etc as an attack was imminent.

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They must have savage Sources altogether. What would Russia have to do for the Americans not to warn them?

It was American citizens they warned.

Ah I see.

They do make those warnings public though? On Dept of Foreign Affairs website etc??


ISIS are back

Ya up on the Consulates website it looks like.
The Russians had said they stopped another attack very recently.

They haven’t gone away, you know

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Sure they were created to take Assad out of Syria in a proxy war, werent they.

Fairly sure that was their goal anyway.

Moderate rebels they were called

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Moderate indeed.

A shower of animals.

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If you can’t trust Russian media who can you trust

Seems Putin completely dismissed this warning and done nothing security wise.

Far from the goat and this idiot is left blaming Ukraine.

Another Oct 7th job. Knew it was coming but decided was in their best interest to let it happen


when the dust settles on gaza, there will be reckoning for mossad and shin bet for letting that happen

I doubt it, Israel has never been big on accountability.

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