Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

bibi will do anything to move the blame from him and if that means throwing the spooks under the bus then so be it,

I agree with you, heā€™s scum, but his days are numbered anyway most of the country want him out.

You certainly wouldnā€™t put it passed Putinā€¦ Unify the country, bring in some anti islam measuresā€¦ All this while being bare chested drinking vodka with a dead wild board over his shoulder

scum, but the ultimate political survivor. in a normal democracy he wouldve been gone years ago

Hopefully he brings down as many as possible with him when he goes. Itā€™s a pity he wonā€™t be hanged.

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On horseback minus a saddle too

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He already has a massive mandate, and heā€™s busy trying to keep the stans on boardā€¦

well hes trying to make the orthodox do military service so there every possibility heā€™ll be Rabined

Thereā€™s a number of naive lads around hereā€¦ Power is solidified through war/ tragedy etc. etc

Throw up the thread there pls

If you canā€™t trust prune60 , who can we trustšŸ¤·šŸ»

Prune60 expects putin to wrastle tigers

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Then prune60 admits that putin actually sent three soldiers, but a bear just turned round and ate them

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Hard to believe its a year since Ukraineā€™s spring offensive

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Been a long week trying to get to Kiev for Russia.