Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Maybe harry, tim or glas could help me out here- I’d read that Ukraine were planning a major offensive (70k troops amassed along the border of some eastern Ukrainian province, and that they’d resumed using cluster bombs on the civilians there for the fist rime in a couple of years). J wasn’t sure tbh, but Is there any truth in the following?

In the third week of February, the Ukrainian military dramatically increased its shelling of the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces, as reported by observers from the OSCE

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who decidedes who’s a “European partner” it’s all very open ended and being cyncical gives a mechanism for the EU to operate independently. It might not happen but the mechanism is there and I fundamentally don’t agree with it, and never will. The mechanisms already existed for it to operate should a member of the Union come under attack

they’re providing support in Somalia, Malia and Nigeria, currently as well as Eastern Europe. Irish troops are deployed by the EU under the CDSP to these places. Is that neutral?

Says the lad that has reduced it to good guys v bad guys :rofl:

It doesn’t give the EU a mechanism to operate independently. Decisions are made by the council, that’s EU heads of government.

Irish troops are deployed by Ireland to participate in these EU missions. That’s an important distinction. The missions are there with the permission of the host state. Yes, we are still neutral. We’re not invading anyone or attacking anyone and we’re not part of a military alliance.

it will be managed and implemented by the high representitive who is Borrell, who is the fella I quoted about keeping the military budget in house. IE not spending on NATO

An EPF Committee composed of all Member States representatives will manage the EPF, in particular budgets and accounts. The Council will take political decisions on the EPF, such as where the assistance should be allocated, based on proposals by the High Representative

Borrell has to propospe it, or the high representative. What’s put in front of the EPF committee is chosen by him or the office.The council isn’t involved in any part of it. The committee is representatives from all member states but they can only vote on proposals they’re told to vote on.

We’re getting in to the weeds again, neither of us will convince the other to change their stance on the “peace” facility, I don’t think.

The EU is being militarised, have no doubts about it. That’s why FFG are softly dropping it into society as a talking point, to normalise it. It’s something we should be very wary of.

without a doubt.

I bet you didn’t think at the start of the week you’d spend so many hours researching the EPF to win an argument on the internet.

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I’d feel much safer with an EU army.

It’s always good to learn new things, form and challenge opinions

I bet you knew you’d be posting redundant sneers and dad jokes all week. Because that’s what you do.

I have a fairly good handle on how it works and, I’m not being condescending here, I can probably explain it to you if you have questions.

The key point is the council has the ultimate decision making power. What the high rep proposes will be stuff that has works it’s way up through various committees that are composed of all the member states.

It’s not like borrell goes off half cocked and comes up with an idea and slaps it up in front of the taoiseach and says now vote on that.

I should probably sort my life out and spend more time being angry with strangers on the internet


I’m not angry at all pal. I’m having a debate while being called a fascist murderer etc… would you not considering the people saying that angry no?

using the forum as frequently as we both do probably isn’t the healthiest for any of us, but it is what it is, right. I have to be stuck to the computer.

Do you feel better after your little outburst?

You’re lying again.

I just thought I’d bump this for @glasagusban @carryharry etc

Presumably this Wade chap is the local drunk who people try to keep away from in the pub? A bit like Shaney is in Dungiven?

In March 2022, Wade proposed a theory that said the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine was the result of Vladimir Putin falling into a “trap” set by the US and NATO, which was described already in 2019 by the Rand Corporation’s research report Extending Russia (RR 3063).

It’s not unprecedented. I gave you all the details on this last week including how neutral countries can opt out.

Any comment on this thought?

I’ve asked numerous times for examples of troubles in the region pre 2013 and it’s not easily found.

I read posters claim land sales and energy cost increases drove ethnic Russians into conflict to rejoin Russia.

My take is this simple, if my neighbour knocks my perimeter wall and starts extending his property onto mine I’m not going to be happy.

Putin tooled up a Regional force in an attempt to recoup lands. It’s as simple as that imo.

When that didn’t work he rode roughshod through the land anyway levelling everything in his path.

Ukraine had every right to fight for their own Land. Ethnic Russians happily lived there until Putin stoked up his Separatist Forces.

You have a fairly good handle on how it works now maybe but the political landscape in Europe changes and is changing. Orban has a vote on the council. What if France elected a right wing leader, or Germany? Doesn’t their population size add weight to their vote on the council. Or Italy even.

Would you want Europe having the ability to deploy arms where ever it sees fit then?

when has off budget military assistance been given to the tune of billions to a non member state, previously?