Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

I have no doubt you will be exactly as objective, insightful and well-informed as ever.

You’d be much better off addressing that at the genocide fetishist.

Sun is out lads, maybe go out into it?

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I had to come in out if it.
Out again now…,

Well put together in fairness

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It’s Rockin’ In The Free World, but I get the picture.

I take it bono wasn’t answering zelenskys phone calls?

Slovakia PM shot.

no, his name is fico

The Ukrainians* just bombed Russia’s early nuclear strike warning radar gizmos. 1800km miles from Ukraine and no relevance to the war. The russians haven’t said a word about it.

  • The Americans


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Ukraine have been pushing their allies for permission to use the weapons they are providing to conduct strikes inside Russia

They probably didn’t work anyway

On top of being way behind in what they need they’ve had another hand tied behind their back by the US and Germany saying they can’t use their weapons to strike Russia. So if an arms depot of missile launcher was just across the border the US is saying they can’t hit it with their weapons. Bonkers. The Brits in fairness said fire away.

A bit of an infantile take tbf. The reality is that the Ukrainians have been bombing away at civilian and military targets inside russia. The reason for caution is that the weapons in question will be nato made and nato fired, which marks a serious escalation. The goal of the US was to have a forever war on russias doorstep, with expendable Ukrainians as cannon fodder. They would much prefer to just keep it ‘business’ as usual.

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What is incorrect?

You’re still having to explain this 3 years later :joy:

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I refuse to give up on @glasagusban