Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Flying a UAV from a deck chair?

The day before the nato summit? Really??

Nothing new but an interesting read all the same.

You’ve been telling us for two years the Russians are out of weaponry and are using scrap metal and 1960s tech to make tanks and the likes.

That article tells us that Russia is flying it and is extremely well resourced.

In short, you’ll believe any auld tripe MSM fires at you.


I see the Ukrainians have invaded Kursk and it seems to be going somewhat well so far.

Presume they are looking to take the pressure off elsewhere

Is that not at the bottom of the Barrents sea?


The Russians are fixed on the oceansgate capsule for their next incursion to get one back

Glenshane nodding away

See, they told you the Ukrainians started it

That was 1943.
Is it only hitting the news now?

Putin proved right again. Ukraine and the west had designs on Russia all along.

Looks like they caught the Russians with their pants down

To Moscow

The soft under-belly.

Madness, cosmetics, all fur coat and no knickers. Putin will be seething, There’s that, i suppose. But what’s the endgame here? The Ukrainian counteroffensive was a tragic disaster, their billion dollar defences have crumbled, they’re out of ammo, and western backing, and motivation. Even western Ukraine is refusing to fight, and mobilising against the press gangs. If anyone can shed light on what’s going on here, I’m all ears.

The usual suspects are happy as long as Ukrainians continue to fight and die.

Russia are stretched at the front.