Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Would you fight for your country?

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He would. As long as the fight was in the peoples park and biting was allowed


Don’t really see the point of this but I guess repeated raids like this - rather than just a one-off - will force Russian forces into defending areas they would rather not.

Unfortunately, Ukraine was undermined by hestitant, incosistent and half-hearted support from its western partners. Now they are stuck in a stalemate with no chance of a non-military agreement against an enemy that wants to destroy Ukraine as a nation.

I was in the fca and have defended my country from foreign aggression.

Ukraine is Russian tho and always has been… just like the north of Ireland is Irish

Do you reckon the Americas should be given back to the natives as well mate.

I would fucking hope so given his ancestry.


I suppose this a decent example of the latest spin being spoon fed to the willingly gullible? You’d wonder if these lads ever get tired of being pathetic


Let’s hope these war crimes don’t go unpunished

I don’t think bombing the enemy army is considered a war crime mate.

The Ruskies looking well here.

Looking an awful lot like Ukraine are going to try to keep at least some of the land they’ve taken in Kursk. If they can do it for a substantial period, it will be a political disaster for Putin.

Wrong thread

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Ukrainian suspect in Nord Stream pipeline explosion flees Poland after German arrest warrant

First they blew up Russian infrastructure and they’ve recently invaded Russia… Putin was dead right about these bastards

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We need Ukraine to denazify Russia.

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Can one of the many Putinists here explain this one please.