Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

There are no young punks in Russia, they’re all in the meat grinder. Sounds like a paradise for him.

You’d wonder how simpletons continue to swallow this nonsense

Ukraine captured more than 1000km2 of Russia in a couple of days. More than Russia has captured in the last eight months :rofl:


They’ve faced little to no resistance, mainly from reserves only… They’ve rolled in with the best of their weapons given to them by the west also.

You are a very dim individual.


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My intel comes from the frontline. I know it’s correct.

Ah yes, the paedo to Russian propagandist pipeline.

This giddy child thinks he’s watching a football match

Poor, dumb, dead Irish kid on Primetime now. A child.

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He sure showed 'em.

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Two pretty shit comments there.

Something strange or insane to the two lads about a second generation Ukrainian going to defend Ukraine from an invasion.

Untrained young fella, not his fight and now he’s dead.

How do you know he was untrained? Not his fight? Read the article again.

He’s Irish, he didn’t have to be there and put himself there. I saw an interview with him last night. Very young kid, his parents tried to stop him going. I thought it was a sad story and that there might have been other ways for a lad like that to help Ukraine from here.

To me, he didn’t look ready. He’d no involvement with our armed forces here so I assume any training he got was in Ukraine and they were obviously under the most severe of pressure. He obviously had something about him as he lasted a long time out there.

I wouldn’t like to see another Irish kid do it is the point I am making as such. ‘Dumb’ was a poor choice of words. He is obviously extremely brave and wasn’t phased by dying as he described. In the interview last night on television, he described how he had done a year out there and was ‘addicted’ to being at war now having planned to come home.

The journalist then described how he planned to join the Irish Army and was looking forward to helping on Peace Keeping Missions and defending this country if it ever came to it. To me that’s the path he should’ve gone down.



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…why are you posting this shite? Wtf is wrong with you?