Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

He thinks Michelle Obama is a man mate


It was reported in the kiev post at the time. It’s not even disputed at this stage. You need to grow up.


Whether you like RFK* or not, there was a peace agreement so I’m not sure why you’re getting upset.

*I haven’t listened to the clip as RFK is a headbanger

We’ve had 2 years of a war that could have ended then, but the Democrats wanted to sell billions of weapons to gain profit for their doners and themselves through insider trading. Savage corruption causing millions of deaths and more displaced. Same can be said for facilitating the genocide in gaza, could have been stopped but again billions of weapons sold to let it happen.

Absolute sickness to support war for personal profit

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He isn’t a man? :open_mouth:

Lets go big Mike

You don’t deserve a link. @glenshane posted numerous links at the time, clearly they were wasted on you…go and search.

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Not any more. But who knows what the future holds

Tipp need one of these again @peddlerscross.

Link to said peace agreement.

Once a man, always a man.

The Putinbots are absolutely seething at France bringing the Telegram guy to justice. Musk needs to be next.

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Musk is making an awful show of himself defending the owner of a platorm that is a haven for nonces

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The telegram owner is anti Putin and has shared data in the past… and has told Putin to get fucked also. The yanks are most certainly behind this and want to use the platform to get info on an ‘enemy’ … It’s horseshit. They can’t handle a platform being outside their scope. They should get better at their job rather than arresting innocent men.

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That it’s a haven for nonces is a feature not a bug as far as those that defend him are concerned.

The normalisation of rape and child sexual abuse is a key cornerstone of the global fascist movement.

Do you actually believe even half the things you post?

Do you believe everything ypu are told by rte? There was a solution to end the war Ukraine also solutions to stop whats happening in gaza. The US arent backimg these as they are makimg billions off the weapons used and uelse it as a proxy war. Pity morons like yourself are ignorant to that

You’re talking through your hole.

Prove me wrong. Over the last month the US agreed to sell around $100 billion of weapons to isreal. If they didnt have the weapoms they couldnt continue the genocide.

US politicians (both sides) made millions in shares in arms companies since the start of the Ukrainian war.

Don’t tell me theres a vested interest in keeping both going