Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Unlike all his other red lines, this is a red line. And he means it this time.


…this is the stupidest fucking post you’ve ever made. “Looking for bobs” when his country has been fucking invaded - how else is his country supposed to fucking defend itself? Peace talks so Putin can re-invade in a few years with an even bigger fucking army? You naive fucking clown.


‘Nazis’ and yet their far-right had a much much smaller vote than other European countries in their last general election.

Yet another one of Putin’s useful idiots.


You think he went into Ukraine 3 years ago and never thought about the possibility of facing off agin western countries? You truly are a very gullible chap.


Not on my behalf ol stock
And I refuse to name call

Kinda childish,
Don’t u think?
Ohhhh maybe you dont----- think :thinking:

That is what happened in 2014.

Heh? I was talking about you.

They were,and actually celebrate it in parts of Ukraine annually

Hi Tim.

It’s 2024.

NBC probably wrong? :confused::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

So not 2021/2022 either.

You asked did he consider it, his most recent place to look was 2014 where a weak U.S. President and European leaders let him trample all over them.

His military plan assumed decapitating Ukraine with a swift victory.

Ireland has a neo-Nazi problem mate but it doesn’t mean Ireland is Nazi.


Its chilling really.

I didn’t ask, i merely stated that I’m sure he knew there’d be a face off at some point when he went in. But yeah, I’m sure he’s ‘shitting’ it .

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Not surprised TBH
Think it’s a personality clash
One way obviously
But sure it keeps this place interesting :face_with_monocle:

What’s this?

Every country on Europe has a few nuts
But I wouldn’t brand many Nazis TBH in Ireland,

Different ideas/ ideals and worried about our sovereignty doesn’t make one far right or necessarily a nazi

Outside of the tfk nazis I doubt there’s many other ones in Ireland


Unfortunately the recent elections disprove that.